Sunday 15 December 2019

Shortcuts of the descriptions

BAK:Back At Keyboard
BBIAB:Be Back in a Bit
BBIAF:Be Back in a Few
BBL:Be Back Later
BFN:Bye For Now
BIF:Basick in Fact
BRB:Be Right Back
BTW:By The Way
CID:consider It Done
CIO:Check It Out
FAQ:Frequently asked questions
FWIW:For what It's Worth
FYA:For your Amusement
FYI:For Your Information
GIGO:Garbage in,garbage out
GMTA:Great Minds Think Alike
GR&D:Grinning Running And Ducking
GTG:Got To Go
GTSY:Glad To See You
GYPO:Get Your Pants Off
HTH:Hope This (That) Helps
IAE:In Any Event
IC:I See
ILY:I Love You
IMHO:In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO:In My Not so Humble Opinion
IMO:In My Opinion
IOH:I'm Outta Here
IOW:In Other Words
IRL:In Real Life
KIT:Keep In Touch
KYPO:Keep Your Pants On
LJBF:Let's Just be friend
LMAO:Laughing My Ass Off
LMBO:Laughing my butt off
LOL:Laughing Out Loud
LTNS:Long Time  No See
MorF:Male or Female
MOTD:Message Of The Day
MOTSS:Members of the Same Sex
NBIF:No Basis In Fact
NG:Nice Guy/gal
NM:Never Mind
NRN:No Reply Necessary
NUL:No!You're lying
OIC:Oh,I see
OOTB:Out of the Box or Out of the Blue
OTF:On the Floor(laughing)
OTOH:on The Other Hand
PEBACK:Problem Exist Between Chair And Keyboard
PMFJI:Pardon Me For Jumping in
POV:Point of View
RI:Romantic interest
ROFL:Rolling on Floor with Tears In My Eyes
ROTF:Rolling on the floor
ROTFL:Rolling on the floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO:Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off
RPG:Role playing game
RSN:Real Soon Now
RTM:Read The Manual
S/AC:Sex Age Check
SITD:Still In The Dark
SMV:Sexual Market Value
SorG:Straight or Gay?
SWAG:Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SYSIWYG:What you see is what you get
WEG:Wicked Evil Grin
WAG:Wild Ass Guess
UGG:You Go Girl
YMMV:Your Mileage May Vary

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