Saturday 16 May 2020

Azan related judgement of Allahabad High Court:

The Allahabad High Court on Friday quashed such orders in its ruling on the administration's ban on giving azan from mosques. The High Court said that giving azan in mosques does not violate the lockdown, however, azan can be given through loudspeakers from the same mosque for which its written permission has been obtained and noise pollution regulations are also taken care of. ۔
The High Court said that the call to prayer is a matter related to religious freedom, however, giving the call to prayer through a loudspeaker is not a mandatory part of Islam. Giving a loud call to prayer from any mosque through a loudspeaker is tantamount to interfering in the rights of other people.
It is to be noted that the district magistrate of Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh had issued oral orders banning the call to prayer from mosques. BSP MP Afzal Ansari had filed a petition against it in the Allahabad High Court. Similar orders were subsequently issued by the district magistrates of Farrukhabad and Hathras.
Apart from BSP MP Afzal Ansari, Syed Wasim Qadri had also filed a petition in the matter. Meanwhile, Congress leader Salman Khurshid had also approached the High Court against the ban on adhan in Farrukhabad. A division bench of Justice Shashi Kant Gupta and Justice Ajit Kumar passed the order.
The matter was discussed by Additional Advocate General Manish Goel on behalf of the government while Syed Safdar Ali Kazmi spoke on behalf of the petitioners.

Friday 15 May 2020

Who was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani in beginning was a preacher and debater of Islam, born 1833, died 1908,in Qadian District Gurdaspur, Punjab India, gradually he started to say about his belief that I am Mujaddid, Muhaddis, Zilli prophet, bruzi prophet Maryam, Moses, Jesus, promised Maseeh, etc. Hakim Nuruddin, official Hakim of Maharaja Jammu, a prominent Islamic scholar of the time helped him due to Hakim Nuruddin Qadyaniat spread in India. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani has a myriad of contradictory statements.
In light of his own Writings)
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani wrote:
"It is obvious that a truthful, clever and open-hearted man does not make any lapses in his works. Yet, if he is mad, indisposed or hypocrite, who for the sake of flattery does agree with others, his writings become contradictory."
Sat-Bachen, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 10, P. 142; Sat-Bachen, P. 26)
"He is absolutely an indisposed man whose work is full of fallacies and trivial observations."
Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 184)
Is it fair for us to judge Mirza Ghulam in the light of his own writings? Please review the following brief samples of his discrepancies and decide for yourself if he was "mad, indisposed, or hypocrite". Which one of his contradictory writings should we accept?
  • "I have claimed to be Maciel Maseeh, which stupid people thinks that it is The Promised Messiah ... I have never claimed to be the Messiah ibne Maryam. Anyone who accuses me of it, he is absolutely a liar and fabricator. For the last eight years, I have been announcing that I am only Maseel Maseeh; By that, I mean that certain spiritual properties and nature and habits and virtues of Jesus(AS) has been given to me as well by God Almighty."
    Izala-e-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 192)

    "I swear upon that God, who has sent me and lying on Him is the work of accursed one, 
    He has sent me as The Promised Messiah."
    Majmoo'a-e-Ishtiharaat, Vol. 3, P. 435)
  • "Very true, Messiah (Jesus) died going to his native land Jaleel."
    Azala-e-Auham, P. 197)

    "Messiah, very secretly, ran away toward Kashmir and died there."
    Kashti-e-Nuh, P. 53)
  • "Messiah's (Jesus) miracle, the sparrows and their flight are proved in the Holy Quran, but even then they retained their earthly status."
    Aina-e-Kamala, P. 68)

    "And this should be remembered that those fowls and their flight are not proven in the Holy Quran."
    Azala-e-Auham, P. 28)
  • "Thus I respect that man (Jesus) whose name I have. Not only Maseeh, I even respect his four brothers because all five were the sons of the same mother."
    Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 18)

    "What was the character of Maseeh? A gluttonous, an alcoholic, neither a devout worshipper nor a hermit. Nor an adorer of truth, arrogant, self-conceited, claimant of divinity."
    Roohani Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 387)
  • "All the knowledge that a Prophet possesses is taught by the angel Gabriel and the door of Gabriel's descent to bring the revelations of prophethood is closed forever."
    Izalat-ul-Auham, P. 761)

    "And Gabriel came to me and selected me and circled his finger and suggested that God would protect me from all enemies."
    Mawahib-ul-Rahman, P. 66)
  • "I fully subscribe to the doctrine that Muhammad is the last of the Prophets and that any claimant to prophethood after him is an impostor and a Kafir."
    Tabligh-i-Risalat, Vol. 2, P. 20; Poster dated Oct. 2, 1891)

    "I swear by God in whose hand lies my existence and say that it is He who has reputed me and called me a prophet and the Messiah."
    Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Appendix, P. 68)
  • "The prophet and the messenger of God (Mirza Ghulam) lived in Qadian. That is why it was protected against the plague."
    -ul-Bla, P. 5)

    "Once the plague very vigorously broke out in Qadian."
    Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 232)
  • "I have never abused anyone."
    Moahiburahman, P. 18)

    "Those who oppose me are wild boars and their women are worst than bitches."
    Najmul-Huda, P.15)
Are these the writings of a sane person or those of a mad, indisposed, or hypocrite individual?
It was, in fact, Mirza's habit to test the gullibility of his followers by making an outlandish claim. If too much resistance was offered and many were about to leave his movement, he would retract his claim temporarily and declare that the audience did not understand his true intent! At a later time, after his followers had been better prepared, he would advance his false claim again.
Mirza Ghulam's work is in fact convoluted with contradictory statements and retractions for this exact reason.
The Qadiani missionaries often try to put Mirza's contradictory statements to good use and, by mentioning only the quotes that
benefits their argument,
try to paint an appealing portrait of Mirza.
All the Islamic world unanimously agreed that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his group named qadianiat, Mirzaiat, Ahmadia are not Muslims indeed, coz Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the last messenger of Allah. There is no Prophet after him. 

An important message which should everyone know that aggressive behaviour against anyone including the Qadiani community is no acceptable according to real Islamic teachings.

Sunday 10 May 2020

هل الرقية الشرعية تعالج الأمراض النفسية؟

الرقية أيضاقسم من علاج النفسى مع أنهانفث و هواءولكن فيها تأثيرقوى على الرغم من محض الهواء ،كمافى اقوالناتأثير بين ،نحن نفرح بالبشرى ونحزن بخبرالهم والحزن ونضطرب بالشتم ،وكلهاكلام محض ركب من الهواءوالصوت، وليس له وجود مادى ،ولكن يتفق عليه الإنسانية تماماأن للمحادثات والكلام تأثيرقوى، به تمت الحروب والجدال فيما بين الأقوام كما نلاحظ كل يوم و ليلة، هكذا الرقية فيهاتأثيروفاعلية ،وحينمايتيقن الإنسان أنها كلام مؤثرمأثورمنقول من النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم والصحابة الكرام فيستعد الدماغ الإنسانى لدفاع الأمراض مع المناعة الشديدة الخفية فى الدماغ فيدفع الأمراض ويصح الإنسان من الأمراض النفسية وغيرها بفضل الله سبحانه وتعالى ومنه وكرمه،وهناك كثيرمن الطرق عندالأطباءلتداوى الأمراض بأنهم لايعترفون وجود الأمراض وهم يعالجون بالعلامات فقط كهوميوبيتهى وغيرهاويصح بهاكثير من الناس ولايخالفونها لإن الطبيب فيها يعطى وصفة مادية ولكن صاحب الرقيةيقرأآيات من القرآن الكريم والأدعية العديدة المأثورة، وفى الرقية علاج لمن يزعم أنهاأيضا قسم من أقسام العلاج وشفاءلما فى الصدور.يمنح الله لهم الشفاء بها حسب إذعانهم،ومن لايتيقن عليها فلاشفاء له فى هذه الطريقة.

هل الوضو بعدأكل لحم الجمل؟لماذا أمرنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بالوضوء بعد أكل لحم البعير:

هذا أمراستحبابى عندالجمهورمن الصحابةوأكل لحم البعيرليس من نواقض الوضوء عند الخلفاءالأربعةأيضاخلافالأحمدبن حنبل رحمه الله تعالى ،عنده أكل لحم الإبل ناقض الوضوء مطبوخا كان أونيا(غيرمطبوخ)واختاره البيهقى من الشوافع.ودليل أحمد حديث براء بن عازب :سئل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الوضوء من لحوم الإبل فقال:توضوا منهاالخ، رواه أبوداؤدوابن ماجه وعبد الرزاق فى مصنفه وأحمد فى مسنده.وقال بعض الفقهاء أن المراد هنا من الوضوء وضوء لغوى لاالشرعى.
ودليل الجمهورهوقول خلفاء الراشدين وجمهور الصحابة.ووجه الأمرالاستحبابى من النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد أكل لحم البعير:لانه يحتوى على الكثير من الشحوم والرائحة فالأفضل أن يوضئ بعد ه.

هل كانت القومية شيئاايجابيا؟

القومية ليست بتصور إيجابى بل هى سمة قاتلة تقسم الإنسان فى أقوام شتى،بهاأيضاتنهض التفريق والعصبية فيما بين الناس من حيث اللون والجنسية والقبيلة واللسان والمذهب وبها يغير القوم قوما غيره ويحمى قومه ويخالف غيره وتعمى القومية فلايرى الإنسان الحقانية ولايتعاون فى الصدق قال الله سبحانه وتعالى تعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولاتعاونوا على الإثم .والعدوان.هناك كثير من المشاكل والمسائل والقضايا منتشرة فى كافة العالم بهذه النظرية السلبية مع هذا فى كل أمر،خير وشر،منافع ومضار،فيها أيضافوايدكالخمروالميسرولكن إثمهماأكبر من نفعهماهكذافوايدهاقلائل وخسارة عظيمة للبشرية.