Saturday 1 August 2020

Dr Ziaur Rahman Azami

Dr.Ziaur Rahman Azamiڈاکٹرمحمدضیاء الرحمن أعظمیa prominent jurist, Muhaddis and great Islamic scholar, born in 1943 to a Hindu family of Balarya Gunj, Azamgarh (India). The parents named him Banke Ram. His father was a prosperous Hindu businessman. His Business was spread from Azamgarh to Calcutta. He grew up living a life full of luxuries. He entered Shibli College, Azamgarh for education. He had a natural inclination to read books. One day he came across the Hindi translation of Maulana Syed Abu Ali Maududi's book "Din e Haq" and read it with great interest. After reading it over and over again, he felt some change and anxiety inside him. After that, he got Khawaja Hassan Nizami’s Hindi translation of the Qur'an and read it.

While he belonged to a Brahmin Hindu family, he was trained in a strict Hindu environment, with a special attachment to the Hindu religion. When he started studying Islam, this verse of the Qur'an passed through his eyes.

Translation: Islam is the preferred religion in the sight of Allah. He once again tried to understand the Hindu religion. He approached his college lecturer who was a great scholar of Gita and Vedas. But his heart could not be satisfied with his words. A teacher at Shibli College used to teach the Qur'an weekly. Observing the young man's quest, the teacher gave him special permission to join the teaching circle.

Syed Maududi's constant study of books and regular participation in the teaching of the Qur'an convinced the young man's heart to accept Islam.

The problem, however, was how to live with a Hindu family after becoming a Muslim. He was also worried about his sisters' future. These ideas were the obstacle to conversion to Islam. One day in a Qur'an class, the teacher recited this verse from Surah Ankabut.

Translation: "The likeness of those who take guardians besides Allah is as the likeness of a spider, which builds a house, and the weakest house is that of a spider. "

This verse and its interpretation shook Banke Ram, he decided to give up all support and resort to Allah alone and immediately accepted Islam. After that, he spent most of his time reading Syed Maududi's books. During prayers, he would quietly leave the house and pray in an isolated place.


Shibli College Azamgarh

Scholarship: Darul Salam University, Umarabad.

Graduation: Islamic University of Madinah.

Master: the Malik Abdul Aziz University of Makkah, now known as Umm Al-Qura University.

Doctorate: Al-Azhar University, Egypt.


He held various positions in Rabita-e-Alam-e-Islami in Makkah and at the end was the General Secretary in-charge Head Office (Director of Maktab-ul-Amin-ul-Aam for Rabat-ul-Alam-ul-Islami).

Teaching services:

- Appointed as a Professor in the Islamic University in Madina Munawwarah.

Editorial Responsibilities:

- Director of Scientific Research - Director of the following Islamic School School for the Islamic University - Member of the Islamic University Magazine - Dean of the Faculty of Hadith.

Invitational Travel:

India, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Australia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, UK, UAE etc.


In addition to the teachers, the leaders who benefited the most from the lessons are:

Allama Sheikh Abdullah bin Hameed (Chief Justice of Saudi Arabia)

Allama Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz (Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University and then the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia)

University of Dar es Salaam Umarabad. In South India, he studied with Shaykh-ul-Hadith Maulana Abdul Wajid Umri Rahmani Piyaram Patti, Maulana Abul Bayan Hammad Umri etc.


Lessons of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim in Masjid Nabavi.

Writing articles and compiling books in Hindi and Arabic.

Then, after his retirement from the university, he engaged in academic and research work and stopped all activities.


1.Encyclopedia of the Quran:

The book is in Hindi. Muslims ruled the Indian subcontinent for eight centuries, but they did nothing for their non-Muslim compatriots to make the "Holy Qur'an" Therefore, growth is guidance. For this purpose, Dr Sahib wrote this "encyclopedia", which contains about six hundred topics of the Holy Quran. It is the first book of its kind in the history of India to be written on the subject and has become very popular among the people and in a very short period of time seven editions have been published It is about to come to light. About ten translations of the Qur'an have been published in Hindi, but it is difficult for a non-Muslim to understand the teachings of the Qur'an through translation alone, but this "encyclopedia" has made it easier to understand every subject of the Qur'an. Some Muslim friends after the study insisted that it should also have an Urdu translation, because many Muslims are also unfamiliar with these topics, according to their wishes, the Urdu translation was completed under the supervision of Dr Abdul Rahman Al-Fariwai.Dr. Sahib prepared it for the Urdu class with great diligence. It is hoped that this "encyclopedia" will benefit the public and all. Fortunately, its English translation has also been completed, which is undergoing a retreat under the supervision of Dr Sohaib Hassan (London), and efforts are being made to publish it from London and the United States as soon as possible. Because in the opinion of Dr Sohaib Hassan Sahib, this is a unique book in terms of its subject which has been written by a pen of a true believer Muslim.

2.Al-Jami' Al-Kamil Fi Al-Hadith Al-Sahih Al-Shamil:

After twenty years of hard work and dedication, he completed a great scientific and research project in the form of 'Al-Jami' Al-Kamil Fi Al-Hadith Al-Sahih Al-Shamil '. This is the first book in the fourteen hundred year history of Islam in which all the authentic hadiths of the Prophet (saws) have been collected from different books of hadiths and combined into one book. Al-Jami 'al-Kamil contains sixteen thousand authentic hadiths. It has 6,000 chapters. I worked 18 hours a day for this book. Late at night, I would have bowed my head in research. The whole house could see the library.

His other published books are as under:

(1) أبو هریرة في ضوء مرویاته

(2) أقضیة رسول الله ﷺ

(3) دراسات في الجرح والتعدیل

(4) المدخل إلی السنن الکبری للبیهقي

(5) دراسات في الیهودیة والنصرانیة

(6) فصول في أدیان الهند

(7) معجم مصطلحات الحديث

(8) المنة الکبری شرح وتخریج السنن الصغری للبیہقی

(9) التمسک بالسنة في العقائد والأحکام

(10) تحفة المتقین في ما صح من الأذکار والرقی والطب عن سید المرسلین

He passed away on July 30, 2020, in Medina and was buried in Janat al-Baqi.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Shah Muhibbullah Allahabadi

Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi died in 1058 AH / 1648 AD. His hometown was Sadrpur - after the completion of the external sciences, when he became interested in the traditional education, he visited the mausoleum of Hazrat Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki in Delhi and meditated. Hazrat said that nowadays there is the Sheikh Abu Saeed Gangohi in the Sabria dynasty. The market of his education is hot here, so go there, so the Shah Muhibbullah came and pledged allegiance.

Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi is a descendant of Hazrat Baba Farid-ud-Din Ganj Shukr, the details of which are as follows. 2, Shaykh Muhibullah, Ibn Shaykh Mubariz, Ibn Shaykh Pir, Ibn Shaykh Bade, Ibn Shaykh Mathe, Ibn Shaykh Razi al-Din, Ibn Shaykh Ohad al-Din, Ibn Qazi, Shaykh Amjaduddin Fayyaz, Ibn Haji Qazi. Ibn Shaikh Muhibullah Fayyaz, Ibn Haji Shaykh Rustam Allah, Ibn Shaykh Habibullah, Ibn Haji Shaykh Ibrahim, Ibn Qazi, Shaykh Aladdin Fayyaz, Ibn Shaykh Imam Qasim, Ibn Qazi Shaykh Abdul Razzaqah 3, Ibn Jami 'al-Uloom Shaykh Abdul Qadir 3, Ibn Haji Shaykh Abul Al-Fatah 3, Ibn Shaykh Abdul Salam 2, Ibn Shaykh Khidr Fayyadah 3, Ibn Shaykh Shahabuddin Ganj Ulema 2, Ibn Hazrat Khawaja Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shukra.

Improvement of the Royal Mosque of Allahabad:

When the news of the demise of Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi reached Darashkoh and Prime Minister Nawab Saadullah Khan known through a journalist, he was saddened and thought that Shah Mohibullah Mutawakil Waliullah was the guardian of his family and other relatives. Should be arranged and a magnificent mausoleum should be built. So he wrote a decree in the name of Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi's son Sheikh Tajuddin and sent it to Hakim Allahabad and ordered that all the construction materials of the mausoleum be collected and wrote to Shah Muhammad Dilruba that first Get permission from Shah Sahib to build the mausoleum through kashf and do as he wishes. Hazrat Dilruba Shah Sahib did the same. Hazrat Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi replied in such a way that the poor(faqir) do not need appearance and adornment. Natural shade is enough to build a mosque that will reward you and the prince and the worshipers till the Day of Resurrection. Only the construction of the mausoleum is extravagant and it is not acceptable in the sight of Allah Jalla Shanghai. Upon discovering the construction site of the mosque, he mentioned the place where the present mosque is located. Darashkoh was informed and after his permission, the foundation stone of the mosque was built and in five years the big mosque was completed as a cupboard. The south of the mosque is inhabited by the descendants of Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi. The mosque is very spacious and beautifully decorated like a bouquet of colourful paintings. The three-story building is engraved on the inner arches of the mosque with letters rising from north to south. His poems are such that it confirms the status quo and the construction of Masjid Arif Khuda dates back to one thousand and sixty-three AH. The reliable tradition is that after the construction of the mosque, Hazrat Dilruba Shah Sahib was the first to give the call to prayer and prayers were offered under his guidance. For a while, he was the Imama. After his demise, Nabeerah Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi, Shah Muhammad Saifullah, the first Sajjada Nasheen took the Imamate. From that time till today, only the Sajjada Nasheen has been leading the Imamate.


He wrote the commentary of Fusus al-Hikamشرح فصوص الحكم in Arabic and in 1041 AH / 1631 he wrote the second commentary in Persian and sent a copy to Dara Shikoh through Abdul Rahim Khairabadi, who was also his addressee. In addition to this, he compiled Haft Ahkam and Manager Akhs Al-Khawas in 1050 AH / 1640 and in 1053 AH / 1643 he wrote notable treatises such as Ibadat Al-Khawas, Tafsir-ul-Quran, Al-Mughalat Al-Aama, Taswiyyah and Aqeed Al-Khawas etc.

A large collection of letters of Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi was also compiled. The theme of all the letters in it is unity. This collection contains long letters to Darius the Magnificent. Manuscripts of letters The letters addressed to Dara Shikoh in Aligarh cover 46 pages.

Just as Dara Shikoh sent questions about Sufism in the service of Sufis and sought answers from them, so too he has a questionnaire called Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi.

Here are the names of his famous caliphs. 1. Sheikh Tajuddin 2. Qazi Sadruddin Ghasi 3. Sheikh Mohammadi Fayyazi 4. Qazi Yusuf 5. Qazi Abdul Rashid 6. Mohsin Fani Kashmiri 7. Sheikh Ahmed 8 Sheikh Kabir Qanoji 9. Shah Muhammad Dilruba.


The following are the books of Shah Mohibullah which are known from the books mentioned. (1) Translation of the Book (Arabic) is available in one volume of the monastery (2) Sharh Fusus Al-Hikam (Arabic) 2. Volume is available in the monastery (3) Sharh Fusus Al-Hikam (Persian) 1Volume is available (4) Manager Khas Al-Khawas (Persian) Volume is present in the monastery (1) Infos Al-Khawas (Arabic) 2Volume is present in the monastery (2): Aqeel al-Khawas (Arabic) 3Volume is present in the monastery (3) Ghayyat al-Ghayyat (Persian) ۱ Volume is present in the monastery (3) Haft Ahkam (Persian) 3Volume is available in the monastery (1) Risala Taswiyah (Arabic) is available in one volume. It has been published from the monastery with Urdu translation Al-Khawas (Persian) has one volume (1) and Durand Mohabi (Persian) has 3 volumes (2) Collection of Letters (Persian) has 3 volumes There is a volume of Sir Elahi (Persian). According to an Iranian (1) magazine, Existence Absolute (Persian) is a long letter which was written to Sheikh Abdul Rahim Manik Puri and could not be sent.

Books that are not in the monastery. (1) Footnote Translation of the Book (Arabic) (2) Methods of Features (Persian) (Amal-e-Qulub (Persian)) (4) Public Dispositions (Arabic) Level of Existence (Persian) (2) Risala Ayanat Al-Ikhwan (Persian) (3) Monis Al-Arifin (Persian) [8]

Mystical trend :

Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi based his teachings on the ideas of Sheikh Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Arabi. He was such a supporter of Shaykh Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Arabi's ideology of Wahdat-ul-Wujud that he had reached the level of Ijtihad in it. He described the idea of ​​Wahdat-ul-Wujud in the Indian mood in such a way that those looking for examples of Wahdat-ul-Adyan found a lot of material in it.

Risalah Taswiyah:

Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi's Risalah Tasviyah stirred up the mental atmosphere of that time and the religious life. In this year, he had discussed the Mukasfat in a way that was objectionable to the scholars. The formal action against this magazine took place after his death during the reign of Aurangzeb Alamgir, but an entry in the contemporary sources Maarij-ul-Wilayat shows that even during his lifetime there was a revolt against his ideology and it was so severe. The people were after his assassination. When Sheikh Mohammad Rashid Jaunpuri came to know about it, he came from Jaunpur with lightning speed and saved him from the clutches of the people and justified his words and calmed the feelings of the people.

During the reign of Aurangzeb Alamgir, at the request of orthodox scholars, Aurangzeb Alamgir ordered to burn all the manuscripts of his treatise Taswiyyah, but after studying it himself, he ordered all the disciples of Shah Sahib to come to the court, it Was not possible, so only two of his caliphs, Mir Syed Muhammad Qanoji and Sheikh Muhammadi, are mentioned to have been present.

Khawaja Khurd, the son of Hazrat Khawaja Baqi Balla, wrote the rebuttal rate of this magazine in the era of universalism.

Many other commentaries of this magazine were also written. Sheikh Kaleemullah Jahanabadi himself also wrote a commentary on it. The companions of Qalandaria had also published a commentary on it. Shah Mohibullah Allahabadi used to forbid his caliphs from publishing this magazine in his letters to keep it confined to him and not to show selfishness, but the atmosphere of that time was such that such literature began to be demanded. Therefore, his disciples could not abide by it.

Sunday 26 July 2020

The fact behind wearing Hijab.

The fact behind wearing Hijab is that it is the symbol of the sanctity of a woman.
The Kaaba also has a Hijab. Things of sanctity are covered, so the sanctity of a woman is in her Hijab. The hijab is a symbol of a woman's identity, a mirror of a woman's dignity Be modest and dignified.
Nature demands that every precious thing be wrapped up. It is protected from the public eye so that its value is not diminished. Everything blessed is wrapped in a shroud, such as the Holy Qur'an, the Kaaba and other sacred objects. The woman is also a creation of God which has been instructed to cover with a veil or Hijab. The poet of the East, Allama Iqbal says in one of his quatrains. Allah is the Creator and is in hijabs. He has given His attribute of creation only to women, so she should also wear hijabs and be proud of her honour. ”
The misconception about hijab that Islam seeks to limit women's activities should also be dispelled. The Lord of the Universe has not made any distinction between men and women in terms of abilities. However, Islam, under the position of progress, cannot compromise on the principles of righteous and pure civilization. He opposes mixed, mixed activities between men and women. Islam wants a culture where women are safe from every evil and obscene gaze. May they have protection and strong siege. The hijab is an important means of expressing this pure culture which makes a woman feel precious.

Adding Surah in the third or fourth Rakah of Fard

In the third and fourth rak'ahs of Fard, it is masnun to be content with only Surah Al-Fatihah. It is better not to add Surah, but if one recites Surah by mistake, it will not make Sajdah-e-Sahu obligatory.
الفتاوى الهندية (1/ 126):
"ولو قرأ في الأخريين الفاتحة والسورة لايلزمه السهو، وهو الأصح".
الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (1/ 511):
"(واكتفى) المفترض (فيما بعد الأوليين بالفاتحة) فإنها سنة على الظاهر، ولو زاد لا بأس به.
(قوله: ولو زاد لا بأس) أي لو ضم إليها سورةً لا بأس به؛ لأنّ القراءة في الأخريين مشروعة من غير تقدير"