Showing posts with label rafa ydain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rafa ydain. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Now when science and technology have reached to the prime peaks humanity and ethical standards decreasing.we see every day and night people make videos of incedently dieing people instead of love and respect or help rescue him from dangerous situation.its selfish egoestic attribute of the human being which mainly found in the animals.Beastliness or brutality increase when pride, vanity or high-handedness increase. Geniusness of human being is in humanity, respectfulness for others.its the human being who sacrifices to the entire world and to it's inhabitants.

Monday 28 October 2019

An old woman brought up calf of a wolf with their goats.wolf's kid used to live with goats.once wolf's kid kild the goat.when old woman saw she randomly said in Arabic:قتلت شويهتي و ،فجعت قلبي .وانت لشاتنا ابن الرئيس.غذيت بدرها وغدرت فيها فمن انباك أن أبا ك ذيب.اذا كا نت طبا its translation is: you killed my beloved goat's kid.and you caused my heart achwhile you was my goat's brought up drink it's milk and betrayed with it.who told you that your father was a wolf.when naturally habit wrong then neither moral useful nor respectfull.ع طباع سوء فلا أدب يفيد ولا اديب.