Thursday 23 July 2020

A wrong demand

  There are some big Muslim personalities in India demanding to open mosques for performance prayers with gatherings. This demand also has come before, from some Muslim clerics like Maulana Abul Qasim Naumani, Vice-Chancellor Darul Uloom Deoband,  Maulana zainus Sajideen, Retired dean, faculty of theology AMU Aligarh, Dr.Shafeequr Rahman Barq, member of Parliament, and other more Islamic Scholars. This demand clearly indicates that some Muslim Scholars are not serious about this global pandemic, coronavirus indeed. The whole world struggling against this pandemic but these leaders demanding to open mosques for prayers, this is either lack of knowledge regarding Islam or the pandemic. Performance of prayers in mosques is sunnah or tradition of Islam while saving a life is mandatory or Fard how, they can demand to open mosques while pandemic is spreading severely. I think Muslim leaders should reconsider about there demands according to the Sharia law.

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