Friday 17 July 2020

Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi's name is Muhammad or Ahmad while Mahdi is not his name, it is a title, meaning guided. The title with the full name is "Hazrat Imam Mahdi (RA)".
Imam Mahdi Hasani will be one of the sadats. His name will be Muhammad or Ahmad and his father's name will be Abdullah. Most Sunni scholars have credited Hazrat Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Mahdi with the emergence of Hazrat Hassan's eldest son from the Sadat dynasty. Believe it See the narrations of Abu Dawud and other books of hadith below. Abu Ishaq says:
Ali looked at his son Hassan and said, "My son, as the Holy Prophet (sws) said about him, is a chief." Soon a person will be born from his back whose name will be in the name of your Prophet, he will be similar to the Holy Prophet (sws) in morals and habits, he will not be similar to the Holy Prophet (sws) in .Then Ali narrated the incident of filling the earth with justice.
Mahdi will be one of the children of Hassan from his father and one of the children of Hussain from his mother. Allama Syed Barzanjani writes:
"I did not find any authentic narration about his mother's name. However, some gentlemen have written the mother's name as Amina.
Umm Salamah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Mahdi will be from my family Fatima's children.
Modification of Hazrat Mahdi's appearance and attributes:
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri says that the Holy Prophet said:
Mahdi will be one of my descendants, with a bright forehead and a high nose. They will fill the earth with justice, just as it was filled with oppression. They will rule the earth for seven years.
That is, the ummah will need the things in their time and the things that will be necessary for its success and superiority, and the Muslims of the world will not be successful in spite of the immense sacrifices they have made. Will be
Mahdi (pbuh) will naturally understand them.
He will make an ideal role for the Ummah by compensating for these shortcomings and easily adopting these few desired attributes.
In a few years, they will be able to do everything that Muslims have not been able to do for centuries.
Imam Mahdi is not already born:
Will be born as normal human beings.
At the age of 40, the Muslim Ummah will make him its leader.
By swearing allegiance to them, he will start a great jihad against the atrocities committed by the disbelievers, which will end with the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate.
The present introduction of Imam Mahdi :
There is a contradiction between the claims of Mahdism and true Mahdism.
Mahdism is a spiritual position. There is a famous saying:
"In the field of Sufism, the sentence of the plaintiff is execution."
Hasani Sadat was rewarded with the reappearance of the Mahdi only because he had given up his legitimate claim and right. Now he will have this great position by claiming for the true Mahdi. The gist of this is that the grandson of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Hassan (RA), while showing self-sacrifice, resigned from the government in favor of Mu'awiyah and gave up his legitimate right merely for the sake of peace and harmony among the Muslims. Instead, when the ummah needs unity in the last days, a mujahid leader will be chosen from among the descendants of Allah to establish the Khilafah on a global scale, because the law of Allah is that whoever pleases Allah If he gives up something for the sake of Allah, then Allah Almighty gives him or his children something better than that. Therefore, in return for leaving the Khilafah in a limited area, Hazrat Hassan (RA) will get the reward of the global Khilafah.
Just as many prophets came from the descendants of Prophet Isaac and in the descendants of Ishmael, Allah Almighty sent only one prophet who was "Khatam-ul-Anbiya". Thus many saints came from the descendants of Hazrat Hussain (RA) while from the descendants of Hazrat Hassan (RA) only one great saint will come who will be "Khatam-ul-Awliya".
Signs of the True Mahdi:
Narrated Ali ibn Abi Talib:
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Mahdi, we will be from the Ahl al-Bayt. Allah Almighty will give them this ability in one night.
In his commentary on this hadith, Sheikh Abdul Ghani Dehlavi says:
That is, Allah Almighty will suddenly give them this ability of Emirate and Khilafah in one night.
Allama Ibn Katheer in his commentary on this hadith says:
Exalted by His special grace and power, Allah will first inspire them (the truth) and acquaint them with the place from which they were previously unaware.
Maulana Badra Alam Meeruthi says:
A profound fact is solved by this and that is that the question may arise in the hearts of some weak believers here that when Hazrat Mahdi has such an open reputation, then how can his introduction remain hidden from the people and properties? Therefore, waiting for their reappearance at the time of suffering does not seem reasonable, but this word has resolved that no matter how many people may have these attributes, but their inner dispositions and spirituality will It be kept hidden under the divine. Even as the time for their appearance draws near, their inner qualities will come to light in one night. It is as if it will be a miracle of nature that no person will be able to recognize him before the time of his appearance and when the time comes, the divine power will create in him all those abilities throughout the night after which he will be the Mahdi himself. It will be revealed to them and to the whole world.
In the light of the above hadith and sayings, these things become clear:
Mahdi (pbuh) is currently in hiding.
The greatest sign of a false Mahdi is that he claims to be the Mahdi himself.
Allah Almighty will bestow great abilities on Hazrat Mahdi on this one night.
Hazrat Mahdi's reappearance:
The appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will take place at a time when the ummah is facing severe difficulties and life expectancy has been restricted to Muslims everywhere. Therefore, the signs of the time of their appearance have been described by the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Economic blockade of Muslim countries:
Jabir ibn Abdullah says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"The time is near when Iraqis will be banned from bringing money and grain. They were asked who would impose the ban. He said to them, "From the non-Arabs." After remaining silent for a while, he said that the time is near when this ban will be imposed on the people of Syria as well. Asked who will be the obstacle? He said: From the Romans. Then he said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: There will be a caliph in my ummah who will give to the people in full wealth and will not count them. And he said: Whose possession is my soul. Surely Islam will return to its former state as it started from Madinah until the faith will remain only in Madinah. Then you said that whenever anyone leaves Madinah out of reluctance, Allah is better than him. Will settle there Some people will hear that there is cheapness and abundance of gardens and agriculture in such and such a place, so they will leave Madinah and go there. However, Medina was better for them than they did not know.
Abu Salih Tabi'i narrated from Abu Hurayrah that:
"Sanctions will also be imposed on Egypt."
Repair of Arab naval blockade:
It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Ka'b that he said:
The East Sea will be far away and no boat will be able to sail in it, so the people of one settlement will not be able to go to another settlement and this will be during the time of the Great War and the time of the Great War will be during the time of Hazrat Mahdi.
The East Sea means here (the Arabian Sea), being far away means that it will be difficult to reach, which will stop the flow there.
Massacre in Mina on the occasion of Hajj:
Amr ibn Shuayb narrated from his father and he narrated from his grandfather that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
In the month of Dhi Al-Qaeda, there will be strife and breach of treaty between the tribes, so the pilgrims will be returned and there will be war in Mina. There will be a lot of carnage and bloodshed, even blood on Aqaba Jamra. The turn will come to the point that even the Haram (Mahdi) will run away and (running away) he will come between Rukn and Maqam Ibrahim and the oath of allegiance will be taken on his hand. Although he (Mahdi) may not like it. They will be told that if you refuse to take the oath of allegiance, we will blow your neck. Then they will swear allegiance. The number of those who swear allegiance will be equal to that of the people of Badr. The people of the heavens and the earth will rejoice over them.
These words are added in the second narration of Mustadrak. Abdullah Ibn Amr says:
When people come running to Hazrat Mahdi, then Mahdi will be weeping wrapped around the Kaaba. (Abdullah Ibn Amr says) As if I am watching their tears. So people (will say to Mahdi) let us swear allegiance to you. They (the Mahdi) will say Alas! No matter how many treaties you have broken and how much blood you have spilled, they will swear allegiance against your will. (Abdullah Ibn Amr) said (O people!) When you raise them, you should swear allegiance to them, because they are the Mahdi in the world and the Mahdi in the sky.
The concept of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is found in Islam as the basis of hadiths, as a Muslim and as the savior of the whole world. And among the Sunnis there are many traditions about their revelation near the Hereafter or near the Day of Judgment, while according to the Shiites, Hazrat Mahdi is the son of Imam Hassan Askari and the last Imam of the Shiites. Imam Mahdi is the person about whom the instructions of Muhammad (peace be upon him) are found in all authentic books . According to the hadith, their appearance will be near the Day of Resurrection. Muslims agree on their existence , although Sunnis and Shiites disagree on whether they were born or not. According to Muslims, Hazrat Mahdi and Hazrat Eesa (as) will fill the world with justice by establishing an Islamic government. Beliefs about a person are found in almost all religions of the world who will establish the true government of God in the world to come and fill the world with justice. Prophecies about such a person are also found in many religions and this mention is also included in the inspired books. According to Muslim beliefs, this person will be Imam Mahdi and with him will be the appearance of Jesus and these two are separate personalities. The details of their arrival and their signs are contained in the hadith, yet so far many false claimants of Mahdism have been born and perished. The sign of the true Mahdi is that he will not claim to be the Mahdi, nor will he declare it.
There are words of a hadith.
If the age of the world is over and there is only one day left in the Day of Judgment, then God will make that day so long that it will be possible to establish a government of one of my Ahlul Bayt who will be my name. He will fill the world with justice as he has filled it with oppression before.
Existence of Hazrat Mahdi:
The concept of Hazrat Mahdi is found in ancient books even before Islam. Zoroastrians, Hindus, Christians, Jews, etc. all believe that there will be a Savior near the end of the world who will establish a just government in the world. This idea did not come to the Muslims because it existed before, but this belief is proved by the hadiths. There are clear ahaadeeth in Islamic books about the existence of Imam Mahdi which reach the point of continuity.
Belief of Ahl-e-Sunnah:
According to Sunni scholars, Hazrat Mahdi will be descended from Fatima Al-Zahra and Ali bin Abi Talib descendents. His name will be Muhammad and his surname will be Abu Al-Qasim. He has not yet been born, but after his birth he will regularly fight with Jesus to fight the infidels and polytheists and establish an Islamic government. They will be born near the Day of Resurrection. And they will appear from the east and according to some traditions from Mecca. Signs of their appearance are also frequently mentioned. The following hadiths in this regard are found in the books of Ahl as-Sunnah. Which Shiites also believe in.
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Mahdi is one of my Ahl al-Bayt.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the Mahdi is a descendant of Fatima.
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Mahdi is from my family. They will bring revolution. And they will fill the earth with justice as if it were filled with oppression.
In addition, there are numerous hadiths. Ibn Taymiyyah has written in this regard that these traditions are authentic.
Aqeedah of the Shiites:
According to Shia books, his birth was kept secret and no one except Imam Hassan Askari's special companions saw him. According to the Imamate belief, Imam Mahdi is the savior of the end times. Who will live a long life and spend a long period of their lives in hiding. He will finally appear with the will of Allah and establish a government based on justice in the world.
Shortly after the martyrdom of Imam Hassan Askari, some Shiites became skeptical, but Imam Zamana's events, which were usually written in the name of Shiites Ahl al-Bayt and reached the people through special deputies, strengthened the Shiite school. Be the cause of After the martyrdom of Imam Hassan Askari, during the minor occultation, he maintained contact with his followers through Nawab Arba'a. But in the year 329 AH, when the occultation of the tomb began, direct contact with the Prophet was also cut off.
Aqeedah Ibadia:
Where the concept of Imam Mahdi is found in Muslim sects, there is no concept of the existence of Hazrat Mahdi or the belief of Hazrat Mahdi in the eyes of one of the ancient sects of Muslim sects, Ibadiya. Ibadiya believes that beliefs require conclusive evidence that is proven by the Qur'an, but it is not correct to have a belief that is not based on the Qur'an. The Abyssinian Muslims believe that the ideas and beliefs of the Mahdi spread among the Muslims from the Jews who spread deviant ideas in their books among the Muslims. Zakaria Khalifa writes:
"The idea of ​​the emergence of a strange man in the last days of the world has spread among the Muslims in installments and in justice after the nation has been oppressed and it has not exceeded the limits of the limited days, and that is what the Mahdi is waiting for." This is not the case. Good news for the late Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
That is, there is a thought among Muslims that in the last days a supernatural person will take the world out of oppression and fill it with justice in a few years, and the Mahdi will be waiting. The Abyssinian religion does not accept such a thought. Because these thoughts are against the Qur'an. ... Al-Ibadi Muslim scholar Sheikh Saeed bin Mabrouk Al-Qanoubi, who is also an expert in the hadith of this sect, says: That is, the hadiths of Mahdi are fabricated and fabricated, and they are not proven by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). And Ibadi scholar Shaykh Nasser ibn Abi Nabhan al-Khursi writes: And all this is far from the truth, and I believe that Khidr is dead and Jesus is like that, that is, the traditions in our nation that God will send the Mahdi, the Antichrist will appear, and Jesus will descend from heaven, all these things are far from the truth to me At the same time, let me tell you that Khidr and Isa (as) have died.
Denial of Mahdi is Kufr:
God Almighty has made it clear in the Holy Qur'an that obedience to God is obligatory and obedience to the Messenger of God is also obligatory and just as it is haraam to obey God, it is also haraam to obey the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of God be upon him). Is. Obedience to the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of God be upon him) is obligatory with the obedience of God Almighty, as He says:
وَمَاأ ََتَاكُمُ الرَُسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَاکُمْ عَنُهُ فَانْتَهُوا Al-Hashr / 7. And take whatever the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) bestows on you, and avoid the things that he (SAW) forbids you from, and obey Allah and obey the Messenger. التغابن / 12 [34] And be obedient to God and obey the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of God be upon him).
This hadith is the most famous and reliable hadith of Shia and Sunni schools.
«On the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“ Whoever lies with the antichrist lacks disbelief, and whoever lies with the Mahdi lacks disbelief ”. He who denies the existence and emergence of Allah is a disbeliever and he who denies Mahdi (pbuh) is a disbeliever.
From the exit of the Mahdi, there is no disbelief. (Faryad al-Samtain, vol. 2, p. 334.) He who denies the establishment of the Mahdi is a disbeliever.
On the authority of Jabir Rafaa from denying the exit of the Mahdi, there is no disbelief in what was revealed to Muhammad. (Lisaan al-Mizan, Ibn Hajar, vol. 5, p. 130.) It is narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He who denies the establishment of the Mahdi (as) He has disbelieved in all that has been revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Modification in the Holy Quran:
The name of Hazrat Mahdi is not explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an and the non-specification of the name is based on interests which are known only to Allah. However, it should be noted that naming is not a means of introducing personalities and attributes can also be introduced. Therefore, Hazrat Mahdi has been introduced through attributes and characteristics - In the Qur'an, Mahdi has been introduced through certain attributes and attributes.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Hafiz Sulaiman ibn Ibrahim Kunduzi narrates from the Hanafi Imam Baqir and Imam Sadiq that "the righteous servants of God in this verse refer to the Mahdi (pbuh) and his companions."
The coming of the Savior is mentioned in many verses of the Qur'an, such as the fifth verse: Al-Qasas / 5. And We intended to make these weak and subjugated human beings the leaders of the earth and make them the inheritors of the earth.
Death of Hazrat Mahdi :
Hazrat Mahdi will die a natural death, his funeral prayers will be offered by Hazrat Isa (as) and he will be buried in Jerusalem. Hazrat Maulana Idrees Kandhalvi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes:
ویصلي علیہ روح اللہ عیسیٰ علیہ السلام، ویدفنہ في بیت المقدس، کذا في شرح العقیدة السفارینیة،2/81․(التعلیق الصبیح،کتاب الفتن، حدیث الأبدال:6/203، سعید)
At the time of reappearance, the age of Hazrat Mahdi and the period of Khilafah:
Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes:
According to the traditions and relics, he will be forty years old. When he takes the oath of allegiance to the Khilafah, in the seventh year of his allegiance to the Khilafah, the Antichrist will come out. Jesus (pbuh) will come down to kill him. Mahdi will spend two years in the company of Jesus (as) and he will die at the age of 49. (Your problems and their solution, the signs of the Hour, when will Hazrat Mahdi (as) appear? And how long will he stay? 2/358, 359, Maktab Ludhianvi, )
”وأخرج أبو نعیم عن أبي نعیم عن أبي امامة قال: قال رسول اللہ صلی الله علیہ وسلم: (سیکون)بینکم و بین الروم أربع ھدن․ یوم الرابعة علیٰ یدي رجل من أھل ھرقل، یدوم سبع سنین، فقال لہ رجل… یا رسول اللہ! من إمام المسلمین یومئذ؟ قال: المھدي من ولدي، ابن أربعین سنة، کأن وجھہ کوکب دري في خدہ الأیمن خال أسود “․ (العرف الوردي في أخبار المھدي:2/57، دارالکتب العلمیة)
”فلبث المھدي سبع سنین خلیفة، ثم یتوفیٰ، ویصلی علیہ المسلمون، قال أبو دأود: وقال بعضھم عن ھشام: تسع سنین․ فمن سبع سنین، فکأنہ أسقط السنتین اللتین بقی فیھما مشغولاً بالقتال․ (بذل المجہود، باب في ذکر المھدي: 5/103، طبع مکتبة سھارنپور)

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