Sunday 22 December 2019

Words followed by appropriate prepositions

Certain words and phrases in English must be followed by particular prepositions.The use of inappropriate prepositions is a fertile source of error.The following list is given with a view enabling the student to understand the proper use of some of the important prepositions:----
Abate in fury;abated by law :Time brought no abatement in the fury of the father;the rate of interest is regulated and abated by law.
Abide in a house,at a place,with a person,for a time,by the consequences of what we do.
Abound in,with:This land abounds in springs and stream;A faithful man shall abound with blessings.
Absolved from a promise,a sin,etc.:Nathing can absolve you from the promise you have made.
Absorb:Plants absorb moisture from the air;The student is absorbed in study.The Nutriment may be absorbed into the system through the skin.
Abstain fom food,from indulgence,from luxuries:He abstained from food two days.
Abstract:the purse may be abstracted from the pocket;the substance from the accidents;make an abstract(=summary)of a book.
Accede to a request,to terms proposed by another,to the conditions or terms of a treaty or contract:He acceded to my terms.
Access to:It is hard to get access to him.
Accident. The accedent of birth; an accedent to machinery.
Accommodate to,with:We must accomodate ourselves to our circumstances.
He accommodated his friend with a loan.
Accompany one to a house or a place:I accompanied him to Delhi.
Accompanied by:He was accompanied by his friends.
According to:He did according to his promise.Sometimes 'according as'

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