Thursday 4 June 2020

Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz

Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz the eighth Umayyad righteous caliph indeed has an important place in Islamic history. His mother was the granddaughter of Hazrat Bin Khattab, the second righteous caliph. Hazrat Umar Farooque used to patrol in the night for the security and help of people in his caliphate period. Once upon a time, Hazrat Umar was on the night patrolling,  suddenly he heard that a girl was saying, to her daughter: mix water in the milk, the daughter replied that Hazrat Umar had ordered to not mix water in the milk, mother said where is Umar existing here to see you? the daughter replied but Allah is existing and seeing us, we worship Allah, not to Umar. Hazrat, Umar was near the house by chance and heard all discussion of the mother and daughter, later on, this girl becomes the wife of  Asim bin Umar and the woman gave birth to a daughter (named Fatima), who grew up to be the mother of Umar bin Abdul-Aziz.Hazrat Umar Bin Abdulaziz undoubtedly was guided Caliph, of the Islamic world, his period was two and a half years with complete Justice in the Islamic way. His services in the field of selection and completion of Hadith are well known in the history of hadith literature.
There is sorrowful news from war-ridden Syria that grave of Hazrat Umar bin Abdulaziz desecrated by Iran backed militiamen.

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