Monday 29 June 2020

Is Islam anti-racism and anti-casteism?

Islam is absolutely anti-racism anti casteism. Islam does not need its followers to seek guidance in any area of ​​life. All the needs of the soul and body are met. He has explained the solution to all the problems of livelihood. The whispers in the minds and the confusions in the minds have been removed forever. Now it is up to the Ummah to make a serious effort to benefit from this treasure of knowledge and wisdom. One thing is certain, however, that the future of humanity depends on Islam. What the present civilization has taken from a man in exchange for material progress, the mental confusion, hypocrisy, tension and cruelty and barbarism and political and economic slavery that man has suffered is a great price that man has paid. The benefits and blessings that could have come to God's creatures from the new scientific advances are less and the fear of the destruction of the equipment that has been provided for its complete destruction is greater.
The reality of the community system
The Holy Qur'an gives comprehensive instructions about the community system. Along with its benefits, the causes and consequences of its deterioration have also been uncovered. Irshad is Rabbani.
Yayهa Anna klqnkm from the public and any and jalnkm sauna and Tribal ltaarfuat their atqkm akrmkm Fear Allah o Allah the All-Knowing, Aware.
Cells, 49:13
“O, people! We created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. The most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.
In this verse, a great and universal error has been corrected, which has always spread terror in the world and which has strengthened the roots of oppression and abuse. That is racial, national, national, linguistic and colour prejudice. From time immemorial, human beings have left humanity and drawn some circles around themselves, in which it has considered its inhabitants as its own and its outsiders as strangers. These circles are drawn not on any rational or moral basis but on the basis of accidental birth. For example, being born into a tribe or family. Being born in a particular region of the earth, speaking a particular language, belonging to a particular colour and race, etc. Then the distinction made between oneself and others on these grounds would not have been bad if it had only been that there was more love for one's relatives, more sympathy for them, more kindness towards them. But this distinction took the worst forms of hatred, enmity, contempt, humiliation and oppression. For this, philosophies were invented, religion was invented, laws were made, moral principles were formulated, nations and empires were founded on it, it has been practised for centuries and is still going on. That is why the Jews considered the Israelites to be God's chosen creatures. And in matters of religion, I kept other nations inferior to my own. Among the Hindus, the Dharma Ashram was born out of this idea, which gave the Brahmins superiority over the rest of the nations. All human beings were considered unclean and unclean in comparison to the higher castes. The Shudras were thrown into a pit of great humiliation. The atrocities that blacks and whites have perpetrated on black people in Africa and the United States need not be traced in the pages of history, but in this twentieth century, everyone can see them with their own eyes. The way the Europeans treated the people of Red Indian descent in the United States and the atrocities they inflicted on them by dominating most of the countries of Asia and Africa and the way they exploited their material resources and the cruel treatment of small nations by imperialism. Has it always been, who doesn't know it? In the ongoing persecution of Palestinian Muslims and minorities in India, there is only one reason why the wealth, life and dignity of all except one's own nation are permissible. Slave everyone except your people, if you feel the need, destroy them. The last two great wars have taken place in the Western world. Behind them was the same notion of racial superiority. In view of these facts, if this verse is considered, one can easily estimate how great a mistake it is that this verse of the Qur'an was revealed to correct. It sets out three very important principles.
We created all human beings from one man and one woman. All these nations and races originated from one Adam and Eve. In all this, there is no basis for the ups and downs in which people suffer. One God Creator. All human beings were created from a single sperm, a method of creation.
Secondly, it was natural for nations and tribes to be divided, even though they were one in nature. Obviously, humans all over the world did not have the same family or the same region or the same colour or the same language. As the race grew, so did the family. Settle in different areas. Become nations from families and take up different professions for livelihood and lay the foundation of civilization. These natural differences had to be manifested, there was no familial defect in them but they created an introduction among the nations and different classes of human beings which was inevitable. But this natural distinction was by no means intended to establish in human beings the distinctions of high and low, noble and low, superior and inferior, and small and great. Let one generation show its superiority over another generation. People of one colour should despise people of other colours and one nation should dominate another nation and one group should have priority over another in human rights. The Creator created different nations for mutual introduction and cooperation. Love each other and people should be each other's helpers and helpers.
Third, being born into a nation or community is not the basis of one's greatness or happiness. The real basis of greatness and dignity is a moral virtue. It is a coincidence that a person is born into a nation. He has no authority in it, so the real reason for his greatness is not to belong to the nation and the tribe, but to his personal moral virtues. The one who fears God more, obeys His commands, seeks His pleasure, is great, honourable, great and honourable, and the one who rebels against God, the Messenger of God The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is arrogant, he is humiliated, he is lowly, he is despised.
The instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
These are the facts which have been stated in a short verse of the Qur'an, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) has explained in detail on different occasions in different sermons. He said on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah.
Praise be to Allaah, Who has given you the flaw of ignorance and arrogance. The fathers of the people, the men of the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Ali (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Suyuti, Al-Dar Al-Mathur, 7: 579
"Praise be to God who has removed the defect and ignorance of ignorance like you, people! All human beings are of two kinds. A virtuous, pious, honourable person in the sight of Allah. The second is the wicked who is humiliated in the sight of Allah. All human beings are descendants of Adam and Allah created Adam from clay.
He said on the occasion of Hujjat al-Wada ':
O people, my lord, you are the only one who has no grace for the Arabs over the non-Arabs, the non-Arabs over the Arabs, the blacks over the red, and the blacks over the blacks, except for the pious. They said, "Yes, cat or messenger."
Bayhaqi, Sha'b al-Iman, 4: 289, No. 5137
"Logo! Listen, your God is one. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and a non-Arab over an Arabic, a black over a red and a red over a black except piety. Surely the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you. Did i talk to you The people asked, "O Messenger of Allah!" Yes! He said, "Let the man who is present here convey this to those who are not present."
There is a hadith:
I do not look at my pictures and my possessions, but I look at my hearts and my eyes.
Ibn Majah, Al-Sunan, 2: 1388, No. 4143
"Surely Allah does not see your appearance and your wealth, but He sees your heart and your deeds."
These teachings are not limited to words, but Islam has practically established a universal community of believers according to them. There is no distinction of colour, race, language, homeland and nationality. There is no concept of discrimination and prejudice. All participants, regardless of nationality, race, nationality, colour or language, can and have joined with equal rights. Even opponents of Islam have had to admit that the way in which the principles of human equality and unity have been successfully implemented in Muslim society is unparalleled in any country, religion or system in the world. ۔ Islam is the only religion that has united the different tribes and nations spread around the world into one Ummah.
In this regard, in the Islamic system of society, kungfu has been ordered at the time of marriage. This gives some people the illusion that in Islam some people are noble tribes and some are vile, although this is wrong. In Islam, a Muslim woman can marry any Muslim with the conditions set out in the Shari'a. Nowhere in it is there any provision which makes the marriage of a man of one nation illegal to a woman of another nation due to certain national differences. However, age, education, shape and appearance, social and economic suitability, etc. have been taken into consideration in the marriage. Without which it is obvious that it is difficult for a couple to get along. Taking care of this appropriateness is by no means the caste bond in which the above-mentioned defects abound. May God help us all to strengthen the Islamic brotherhood.

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