Sunday 12 July 2020

Hagia Sophia Mosque

Turkey's Court has decided to convert the Hagia Sophia building into a mosque, after which the call to prayer is now heard from its minarets - both opposition and support for the decision are emerging globally. And their repercussions are being heard in India as well, so while on the one hand this decision is being enthusiastically welcomed, on the other hand it is being criticized by some intellectuals and it is being said that the church of Hagia Sophia in the mosque. Supporting the conversion is like supporting the conversion of the Babri Masjid into a temple in India - on the one hand there is opposition to the conversion of the mosque into a temple in India and on the other hand support for the conversion of the church into a mosque in Turkey. Yes, this is a contradictory attitude. As far as the Shari'ah position on this subject is concerned, there are detailed discussions in this regard in the books of jurisprudence, the summary of which is that some countries have been conquered by peace and some have been conquered by force. The state was obliged to abide by the conditions of peace, and so it was done. During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, Jerusalem was conquered by peace, with the condition that all Christian sanctuaries would be preserved. So Omar adhered to this peace treaty - the jurists have two views on the countries that were conquered by force: some say that the places of worship of other religions should remain in the possession of their followers. And some say that they will have the power to dispose of the Muslim rulers. Some scholars believe that the rulers of the conquered lands will have the power to preserve the ancient places of worship as they see fit. As the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) dealt with the people of Khyber and the Rightly Guided Caliphs did in their conquered lands. As far as Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) is concerned, it was forcibly conquered by Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih (1481) in 1453 - Hagia Sophia was the famous church of Constantinople - it was the world center of the Orthodox Church - it was founded in the 4th century AD. It was built by the Roman emperor Constantine - a building that has been used as a religious and spiritual center for Christians for over a thousand years - after the conquest of Constantinople by force. It was free to use as it pleased, and this was not contrary to the international law of the day and the accepted attitudes of the rulers - before the Christian rulers occupied the various cities of Andalusia and the great mosques. Had been converted into churches - but Sultan the Conqueror did not forcibly seize Hagia Sophia and convert it into a mosque, but bought it from Christians at great expense - (Documents detailing the sale and purchase have become commonplace on social media. After that, some of the pictures and statues in the church were erased Some of them were hidden and some of their minarets were added - from then until the end of the Ottoman Empire, the building was known and used as the "Hagia Sophia Mosque" - when Kamal Ataturk announced the end of the Ottoman Caliphate. So he locked the mosque in 1931 - 4 years later it was reopened in 1935, but in the form of a museum. This issue needs to be considered from several angles: it is common for Christians to sell their churches - it is still customary - to sell their places of worship at a good price - there is nothing wrong with them - so Europe Many churches have been converted into pubs and malls. If there is guilt in this matter, it is the Christian clergy who voluntarily bargained for their place of worship. It is not a matter of the Turkish government deciding to convert a church into a mosque, but to convert a mosque, which has been a regular place of prayer for 478 years, into a museum in 1935. The Supreme Court has decided to restore the status of its former mosque and the government has announced to implement the court's decision.
It is a reprehensible attitude to take over a place of worship and change its status in a cruel way - this cruel way has been used before, so many mosques in Andalusia have been converted into churches and now There has been no change in this attitude either, so criminal attempts are being made to change the status of Al-Aqsa Mosque - but the international conscience has been silent on this oppression and blatant fraud before and still has no voice from it. Is rising, but in the case of the Hagia Sophia Mosque, where there is no evidence of oppression, he is making a lot of noise against it.

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