Friday 22 January 2021

Vociferation of the oppressed

 Halaku Khan, the cruellest and savage man in the medieval world, was sitting proudly on his horse, surrounded by rows of Tatar forces, in front of him were three rows of captives, Who were to be killed by Halaku Khan  today, then he said cruelly: behead them!

 And the executioner began to cut off the heads of the people, seeing this an old man lefts his row due to the fear of death, he went to the second row, the first row was completely cleared, Halaku Khan's eyes saw this old man that he left his first row for fear of death and went to the second row, Halaku Khan was sitting on a horse.  He was bouncing with a powerful thunderbolt in his hand and was playing with it and was happy with the game after seeing the scene of the murder of an oppressed man.  

 The executioner was wielding a sword and fountains of blood were gushing and falling on the ground. When the old man saw that the necks of the people in the second row were being cut off and his turn was coming very soon, he ran and stood in the third row.  Halaku Khan's eyes were fixed on the old man that now the third row is the last, then where will he try to hide?  Who can save this stupid old man from my sword, I killed millions of people, how long will he survive?

 The sword of the executioners was falling like lightning in the third row, Halaku Khan's eyes were constantly seeing on the old man how he was restless and restless due to death, the necks of the people in the third row were falling, the executioner was lightning fast.  When he reached this old Baba, Halaku Khan's voice echoed, stop!  Don't tell him anything now, tell Baba, you ran from the first row to the second row, when it finished you ran to the third row,  tell now, there is no other row behind it, now where will you run, now  Who will save you from me?

 The old man looked up at the sky and said, I left the first row so that I might survive in the second, but death also reached there, then I left the second row so that I might survive in the third row.  He raised his hand and said, "Baba, what kind of imaginary person are you talking about? Can anyone save you from my sword as well?"  The Almighty God can do anything if it wants and can save me from you if it wants."the old man said.

 How to save?  Halaku Khan was so arrogant that the thunderbolt fell from his hand. Halaku Khan was a clever warrior.  He grabbed him in the air, in the same attempt Halaku Khan's one foot came out of the stirrup and he fell from his horse, while the other foot got stuck in the stirrup.

 Halaku Khan's horse was so frightened that he ran away. He tried hard to save himself. The army also moved but the horse was so powerful that no one could control it. He dragged Halaku khan into the rocks and kept running.  Even Halaku khan's head was pounded with stones and he bled so much that in a few minutes his soul left his arrogant being and went to hell.  By this time his head had been badly crushed, Halaku khan's army became so frightened of this old man that the army deliberately ignored him and Baba walked towards his house with great ease.  Fear from malediction because when it turns to Almighty, acceptance comes from far away to receive it as acceptance.

بترس از آہ مظلوماں کہ ہنگام دعا کردن

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