Sunday 5 July 2020

Prophet Mohammad is the last messenger of Allah:

The unanimous Belief of the Muslim world is that Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the Last and Final Messenger/Prophet of Allah. In other words, Prophet-hood has ended with Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and those who do not believe in it are ventured out of the bounds of Islam.
This article is divided into different sections for better and clear understanding.
A) Lexicographical definitions
B) Proof from Quran in light of classical Mufasireen
C) Proof from overwhelming Sahih Ahadith
D) The consensus of Muslim scholars and Ummah
E) The Constitution Law of Pakistan (and declaration of the Muslim world that Qadiyanis are Apostates/Kufaar)
F) The False Prophet i.e Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani al-Kaddhab and his false claims
Lexicographical definitions
Imam Ibn Munzur [Born: 630 AH] and Allama Ismail bin Hammad al Juhri [Born: 332 AH], the reason why we have mentioned the birth dates of both these Imams is to make it clear that these Lexicographers wrote their works long before the Fitnah of Qadiyanism had even emerged. So It is clear that Muslim Ummah was and is still unanimous on the viewpoint that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the last Prophet and any claim of Prophethood after him is falsehood and trait of Dajjal/Kadhaab
Imam Ibn Munzur (rah) writes in Lisan ul Arab:
محمد، صلى الله عليه وسلم، خاتِمُ الأَنبياء، عليه وعليهم الصلاة والسلام. التهذيب: والخاتِم والخاتَم من أَسماء النبي، صلى الله عليه وسلم. وفي التنزيل العزيز: ما كان محمد أَبا أَحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتِمَ النبيّين؛ أَي آخرهم
Translation: Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last of Prophets (Salat and Salam on all), both the words Khatim and Khatam are names of Prophet, as is revealed in Al Aziz (i.e. Quran):” Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah is ever Aware of all things” (33:40) THIS REFERS TO LAST/END (أَي آخرهم) [Lisan ul Arab, Under the letter “خ”]
Imam Ibn Munzur also said:
ومن أَسمائه العاقب أَيضاً ومعناه آخر الأَنبياء
Translation: And amongst the names (of Prophet) is Al-Aqib which means “The Akhir al Anbiya” I.e. The Last to come of Prophets [Ibid]
Allama Ismail bin Hammad al Juhri (rah) writes:
Arabic-English-Translation: (ختم الله له بخير) May Allah bring the End on Khair, ( وختمت القرآن: بلغت آخره) I finished the Quran: (read) till it's "End"( واختتمت الشئ: نقيض افتتحته )The Last of something is opposite to beginning (of it) (والخاتم والخاتم، بكسر التاء وفتحها. والخيتام والخاتام كله بمعنى، والجمع الخواتيم. وتختمت، إذا لبسته. وخاتمة الشئ: آخره) Khatam, Khatim, Khitam, the Plural Khawatim, the meaning of all these are same and the end of something is Khatim ash, Shay. (ومحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم خاتم الانبياء عليهم الصلاة والسلام) And Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last of Prophets (Salat and Salam on all) [As-Sahah Taj ul Lughat, Volume No. 6, Page No. 186]
Definition In Light of great successor (Tabi’i) Qatada (rah)
وأخرج عبد الرزاق وعبد بن حميد وابن المنذر وابن أبي حاتم عن قتادة رضي الله عنه في قوله { ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين } قال: آخر نبي.
Translation: Imam Abdur Razzaq, Abd bin Humaid, Ibn Mundhir and Ibn Abi Hatim narrated from Qatada who said about (He is the Messenger of Allah and Khatam a Nabiyeen) that It means: He is the “LAST NABI” [Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti in Tafsir Dur ul Munthur, Under 33:40]
In Light of leading Tabi’i Imam Hassan al-Basri (rah)
وأخرج عبد بن حميد عن الحسن في قوله { وخاتم النبيين } قال: ختم الله النبيين بمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكان آخر من بعث.
Translation: Imam Abd bin Humaid narrates from Hassan Basri (rah) who said regarding “Khatam Antiseen”: Allah has brought an end to Prophets through Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and “HE IS THE LAST TO BE SENT”[Tafsir Dur ul Munthur Under 33:40]
Proof from Quran in light of classical Mufasireen
Quran states: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last of the prophets, and Allah is cognizant of all things. (Shakir: 33:40)
Imam Ibn Kathir (Rahimuhullah) the widely renowned Mufasir/Muhadith/historian of Islam, he writes in his magnificent Tafsir al Quran al Azeem (i.e. Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
فهذه الآية نص في أنه لا نبي بعده، وإِذا كان لانبي بعده، فلا رسول بعده بالطريق الأولى والأحرى؛ لأن مقام الرسالة أخص من مقام النبوة، فإِن كل رسول نبي، ولا ينعكس، وبذلك وردت الأحاديث المتواترة
Translation: This Verse is a “DEFINITE PROOF” over this matter i.e. There will be no Prophet after him when there cannot be any Nabi after him then how could there be even a Rusul because the Risalat is linked to Nubuwah, every Rusul is Nabi but every Nabi is not Rusul. This is also established from “MUTAWATTIR AHADITH” (UNDENIABLE DUE TO THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE COME FROM MULTIPLE CHAINS) [Tafsir al Quran al Azim by Ibn Kathir, Page No. 1488, Published by Dar ul Kutb al Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon]
Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) then mentions overwhelming ahadith which we shall mention in the hadith section of this post, but let's look at another great proof which Imam Ibn Kathir cites, he says and we quote:
فمن رحمة الله تعالى بالعباد إِرسال محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم إِليهم، ثم من تشريفه لهم ختم الأنبياء والمرسلين به، وإِكمال الدين الحنيف له، وقد أخبر الله تبارك وتعالى في كتابه، ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم في السنة المتواترة عنه: أنه لا نبي بعده؛ ليعلموا أن كل من ادعى هذا المقام بعده، فهو كذاب وأفاك دجال ضال مضل، لو تحرق وشعبذ، وأتى بأنواع السحر والطلاسم والنيرجيات، فكلها محال وضلال عند أولي الألباب؛ كما أجرى الله سبحانه وتعالى على يد الأسود العنسي باليمن، ومسيلمة الكذاب باليمامة من الأحوال الفاسدة والأقوال الباردة ما علم كل ذي لب وفهم وحجى أنهما كاذبان ضالان، لعنهما الله، وكذلك كل مدع لذلك إِلى يوم القيامة، حتى يختموا بالمسيح الدجال
فكل واحد من هؤلاء الكذابين يخلق الله تعالى معه من الأمور ما يشهد العلماء والمؤمنون بكذب من جاء بها، وهذا من تمام لطف الله تعالى بخلقه، فإِنهم بضرورة الواقع لا يأمرون بمعروف، ولاينهون عن منكر، إِلا على سبيل الاتفاق، أو لما لهم فيه من المقاصد إِلى غيره، ويكون في غاية الإفك والفجور في أقوالهم وأفعالهم.
Translation: Allah has told us in His Book, and His Messenger has told us in the Mutawatir Sunnah, that there will be no Prophet after him, so that it may be known that everyone who claims this status after him is a liar and fabricator who is misguided and is misguiding others. Even if he twists meanings, comes up with false claims and uses tricks and vagaries, all of this is false and is misguidance as will be clear to those who have understanding. This is what Allah caused to happen in the case of Al-Aswad Al-Ansari in the Yemen and Musaylimah the Liar in Al-Yamamah, whose false miracles and nonsensical words showed everyone who was possessed of understanding that they were liars who were leading people astray; may the curse of Allah be upon them both. This is the case with every false prophet until the Day of Resurrection until they end with Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (the Antichrist). Each of these liars is given by Allah signs which show the people of knowledge and the believers that his message is false -- which is part of the perfect kindness of Allah towards His creation. These liars do not enjoin what is good, nor forbid what is evil, unless they do so by coincidence or because it serves an ulterior purpose. They are the utmost in falsehood and immorality, in all that they say and do [Imam Ibn Kathir in Tafsir al Quran al Azeem, Page No. 1389, Translation took with care from the English version by Dar us Salaam]
Imam Abu Hayyan al Andalusi [D. 445 AH] after decisively proving Finality of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) from Quran and Sunnah write.
Qadhi Thana Ullah PaniPatti (rah) writes in his Tafsir al Mazhari: Khatam has been mentioned (in this ayah) in the meaning of “Akhir/Last” and someone who came to bring an “END TO SOMETHING” as “Last Nabi after whom no Prophet will come [Tafsir al Mazhari, Volume No. 9, Page No. 266]
Proofs from overwhelming ahadith
Here we are going to mention 20 Ahadith (although the number reaches in hundreds) which decisively prove that door to Prophethood has been closed and anyone who claims to be Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is a Liar/Dajjal/Cheat/Fabricator
Hadith # 1
Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 735: - Book of Merits - Chapter on Khatam a Nabiyeen) –
المناقب - خاتم النبيين صلى الله عليه وسلم
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "My similitude in comparison with the other prophets before me, is that of a man who has built a house nicely and beautifully, except for a place of "ONE"brick in a corner. The people go about it and wonder at its beauty, but say: 'Would that this brick is put in its place!' So I am that brick, and I am the last of the Prophets."
This Hadith is also narrated in Sahih Muslim Hadith # 5675 under the chapter of “THE FINALITY OF ALLAH'S APOSTLE (MAY PEACE BE UPON HIM)” It is also narrated in Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal Hadith # 7479, Also narrated in Sunnan al-Bayhaqi al-Kubra, Hadith # 11422]
Hadith # 2
حدثنا ‏ ‏أنس بن مالك ‏ ‏قال ‏
قال رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏إن الرسالة والنبوة قد انقطعت فلا رسول بعدي ولا نبي
Translation: Anas bin Malik narrates from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) who said: The Messengership and Prophethood have ended and there will be no Messenger and Prophet after me [Sunnan Tirmidhi, Hadith # 2274, where Imam Tirmidhi declared it “HASSAN SAHIH”, Also narrated by Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume No.3, Page No. 467, Mustadrak ala Sahihayn al-Hakim, Volume No. 4, Page No. 391]
Imam at-Tirimdhi (rah) said after this hadith:
هذا حَدِيثٌ حسنٌ صحيحٌ
This hadith is "FAIR AND AUTHENTIC" [ibid]
Hadith # 3
Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I have been given superiority over the other prophets in six respects: I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils have been made lawful to me: the earth has been made for me clean and a place of worship; “I HAVE BEN SENT TO ALL MANKIND AND THE LINE OF PROPHETS IS CLOSED WITH ME” [Book 004, Number 1062: (Sahih Muslim)]
Hadith # 4
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour would not come “UNTIL THERE WOULD ARISE ABOUT THIRTY IMPOSTERS, LIARS, AND EACH ONE OF THEM WOULD CLAIM THAT HE IS A MESSENGER OF ALLAH” [Book 041, Number 6988: (Sahih Muslim), Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 88, Number 237]
Hadith # 5
‏ ‏وإن الله لم يبعث نبيا إلا حذر أمته ‏ ‏الدجال ‏ ‏وأنا آخر الأنبياء وأنتم آخر الأمم وهو خارج فيكم لا محالة
Translation: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Allah has not sent any Prophet who did not warn his nation about Dajjal, but Now “I AM THE LAST OF PROPHETS (آخر الأنبياء)” and you are the last Ummah (آخر الأمم), he will for sure arise from amongst you [Sunnan Ibn Majah, Hadith # 4067]
Hadith # 6
وإنه سيكون في أمتي ثلاثون كذابون كلهم يزعم أنه نبي وأنا ‏ ‏ خاتم ‏ ‏النبيين لا نبي بعدي ‏
Translation: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: There will arise 30 grand Liars (ثلاثون كذابون) from my Ummah, each of them will claim that he is the Prophet whereas “I AM KHATAM AN NABIYEEN AND THERE IS NO PROPHET AFTER ME (لا نبي بعدي)” [Sunnan Tirmidhi, Hadith # 2202]
Imam Tirmidhi Said after this hadith:
‏ ‏هذا ‏ ‏حديث حسن صحيح ‏
Translation: This Hadith is “HASSAN SAHIH”
The Hadith is also narrated in Sunnan ABU Dawud, Hadith # 4252
Hadith # 7
Narrated Sad: Allah's Apostle set out for Tabuk. appointing 'Ali as his deputy (in Medina). 'Ali said, "Do you want to leave me with the children and women?" The Prophet said, "Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Aaron to Moses? “BUT THERE WILL BE NO PROPHET AFTER ME”[Volume 5, Book 59, Number 700: (Sahih Bukhari)]
Hadith # 8
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "The Israelis used to be ruled and guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet died, another would take over his place. ”THERE WILL BE NO PROPHET AFTER ME, BUT THERE WILL BE CALIPHS WHO WILL INCREASE IN NUMBER, The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you order us (to do)?" He said, "Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first. Fulfil their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for Allah, will ask them about (any shortcoming) in ruling those Allah has put under their guardianship." [Volume 4, Book 56, Number 661: (Sahih Bukhari)]
Hadith # 9
The Prophet of (Peace be upon him) said: I am the Slave of Allah and I was the Last Prophet (saw) in (sight) of Allah when Adam’s Khameer was being created [Imam al Baihaqi in Shu'ab ul Imaan Volume 2 Page No. 134, Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak declared Its chain to be Sahih]
Hence Prophethood was finalised at Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) even when Adam (a.s) was not yet created!
Hadith # 10
On the day of resurrection people will run to all Prophets asking for help and intercession, the hadith states[It's long gone, so part of it is stated below]:
They will come to me and say, 'O Muhammad! You are Allah's Apostle and “THE LAST OF THE PROPHETS” and Allah forgave your early and late sins. (Please) intercede for us with your Lord. Don't you see in what state we are?[Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 236]
The whole hadith proves that People shall run different Prophets but “FINALLY” came to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who shall intercede for them, this hadith clearly proves the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last towards whom they ran!
Hadith # 11
Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I am the leader of all Prophets and there is no boast, I am the Last of all Prophets and there is no boast [Sunnan al Darimi, Hadith # 50]
Hadith # 12
Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA) narrates that once the Prophet (Peace be upon him) came to us in a way as If he is leaving us, then he said thrice: I am Muhammad the Ummi Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wasalam) and there is no Prophet after me [Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume No. 2, Page No. 172, Sheikh Ahmed Shakir in Takhrij of it: The chain of this Hadith is “Hassan”]
Hadith # 13
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: There is no Prophet after me, and there is no Ummah after you, so you should worship your Lord and say your 5 daily prayers, and fast in your month (Ramadan), obey your leaders and thus enter the Blessed garden of your Lord [Imam Tabarani in Muj’am al Kabir, Volume No. 8, Hadith # 7217]
Hadith # 14
Hadrat Abu Dhar (RA) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) told him: The first Prophet is Adam and the last one is Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wasalam) [Kanz ul email, Hadith # 32269]
Hadith # 15
Hadrat Uqba bin Aamir (RA) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Had there been a Prophet after me then It would have been Umar [Sunnan Tirmidhi, Hadith # 3272]
Hadith # 16
Narrated Jubair bin Mutim: Allah's Apostle said, "I have five names: I am Muhammad and Ahmad; I am Al-Mahi through whom Allah will eliminate infidelity; I am Al-Hashir who will be the first to be resurrected, the people being resurrected thereafter“AND I AM ALSO AL-AQIB(I.E. THERE WILL BE NO PROPHET AFTER ME)” [Volume 4, Book 56, Number 732: (Bukhari)]
Hadith # 17
Narrated Isma'il: I asked Abi Aufa, "Did you see Ibrahim, the son of the Prophet ?" He said, "Yes, but he died in his early childhood. Had there been a Prophet after Muhammad then his son would have lived, “BUT THERE IS NO PROPHET AFTER HIM” [Volume 8, Book 73, Number 214: (Bukhari)]
Hadith # 18
عن بن عباس عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال أنا أحمد ومحمد والحاشر والمقفي والخاتم
Translation: Hadrat Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I am Ahmed, Muhammad, Hashir, Maqfi (One who is sent in the last) and I am “KHATIM” [Imam Tabarani in Muj’am as Saghir, Hadith # 152]
Hadith # 19
Qatada narrates that when the Prophet (Peace be upon him) recited the Ayah { And when We exacted a covenant from the prophets, and from thee (O Muhammad) and from Noah… 33:7} he said: The goodness was started through me and I am the last amongst all Prophets to be sent [Muassanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Hadith # 31753]
Hadith # 20
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Abu Bakr (RA) is the best amongst all people (after me) “BUT HE IS NOT A PROPHET” [Al Kamil by Ibn Adi, Volume No. 6, Page No. 484]
This hadith is shown as a proof that had there been any Prophet after Prophet (Peace be upon him) then Sahaba deserved the best of it, but even Sayyidna Abu Bakr (RA) was not a Prophet as is clearly and explicitly mentioned in this hadith.
The consensus of Muslim scholars and Ummah:
Imam al Qadhi Iyaadh (rah) the author of magnificent Seerah work i.e. Ash-Shifa, he writes:
We declare that person as Kafir who considers someone along with you or after you as a Prophet, just like this we also declare him Kafir who claims that “Revelation (Wahi)” is sent to him even if he does not claim prophethoodThus all such people are “DISBELIEVERS” because they do Takdhib of Prophet (i.e. call him liar – Naudhobillah). The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) has informed us that he is “KHATAM AN NABIYEEN” and “NO PROPHET WILL COME AFTER HIM” and that “HE HAS BEEN SENT TO ALL PEOPLE” The ummah is unanimous that this Kalaam is to be taken on its appearance and there is no room for any Tawil, or Takhsisand the Kufr of such people is Qat’ i (i.e. Definite) Ijmai (i.e. unanimously agreed) [Ash Shifa, Page No. 237-238]
The great Hanafi Imams, Allama Khafaji (rah) and Mullah Ali Qari (rah) have also endorsed this strongly in Naseem ur Riyaaz, Volume No. 6, Page No. 355-256, Sharh ash-Shifa Volume No. 2, Page No. 515-516]
Imam Ghazzali (Rahimuhullah), The Hujjat ul Islam (i.e. Proof of Islam), he said:
We have known through “Consensus” that La Nabi B’adi (There is no Prophet after me) proves that the door to Prophethood has been permanently closed after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the word “Khatam Antiseen” also includes “MUTLAQ ANBIYA (all anbiya)” We (Muslims and their scholars) are thus certain that there is no room for any kind of Tawil (interpolation/interpretation) or Takhsis (to make specific such as nabi could come in this form or that form – Naudhobillah). Whosoever does Tawil in this hadith then he is Munkir of Consensus [Al Itisaad fil Itiqaad, Page No. 163]
Imam Ibn Qudama al Maqdisi the great HanbaliImam, said:
Whosoever claims Prophethood or one who accepts his claim than (both) become “APOSTATES” because when Musaylma Kaddhab claimed to be Prophet and his people testified to it then all of them became apostates along with him [Al Mugni, Volume No. 9, Page No. 33, Published Dr al Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon]
The Constitution Law of Pakistan states
Misuse of epithet, descriptions and titles, etc. Reserved for certain holy personages or places.
Any person of the Qadiani group or Lahore group, (who call themselves Ahmadis or by any other names), who by words, either spoken or written or by visible representations, refers to the mode or form of call to prayers followed by his faith as "Azan" or recites Azan as used by the Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
Persons of Qadiani group, etc, calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith. Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves Ahmadis or any other name), who directly or indirectly, posses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
The False Prophet
In the last century, a person by name Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyanai declared himself to be a Mahdi and started misleading the Muslim by his false claims. Later on, he went few steps ahead, and declared himself as a Prophet and as well as Isa ibn Maryam, rather claimed that he was all Prophets (Naudhobillah). Now let us see the reality of this Dajjal and his falsehood
Mirza claimed to be a Prophet
1. In the Word of God, I have been named Muhammad and a Messenger. (Qadiyani's own book: Roohani Khazain 18/207)
2. Mirza said: "I am Maseeh-e-Zamaan (Jesus), I am the Kaleem-e-Khuda (Moses) I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad Mujtaba." (Qadiyani's own book: Tiryaq-ul-Quloob P.3 Roohani Khazain Vol.15 P.134)
AstaghfirUllah, the editor of this article (Aamir Ibrahim) wants to clarify that such disgusting statements are only shown in refutation of Qadiyani filth, otherwise, we consider such statements to be disrespectful to mention without such a cause.
Mirza Declares himself as "ALL" Prophets
1. “No Prophet has come in the world whose name has not been ascribed to me. Thus as God mentions in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya I am Adam, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Jacob, I am Ishmael, I am Moses, I am David, I am Jesus son of Mary, I am Muhammad, that is as burooz. As God has attributed all these names to me and said regarding me ‘Jaree Allah fee Hill AlAnbiya’ that is prophet of God in the outfit of prophets. Thus it was necessary that the magnificence of each Prophet is present in me and one attribute of each Prophet is revealed through me.” (TatumHaqeeqatul Wahi P.84, 85 Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.521)
2. "God has designated me as a manifestation of all prophets and has ascribed the names of all prophets to me. I am Adam, I am Seth, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Ishmael, I am Jacob, I am Joseph, I am Moses, I am David, I am Jesus and I am the perfect manifestation of the name of Holy Prophet, that is as zill I am Muhammad and Ahmad.” (Footnote, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.72 Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.76)
3. "I am sometimes Adam, sometimes Moses, sometimes Jacob, Moreover I am Abraham, my generations are countless." (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Part 5, Durre-Sameen P.100 Roohani Vol.21 P.133)
4. "In this era, God wanted that the virtues of all those Truthful Honorable Prophets who have passed, should appear in the person of one man, so that is me." (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya part 5 P.90 Roohani Khazain Vol.21 P.117-118)
5. In his book, Tiryaq-ul-Quloob Mirza writes: "I am Maseeh-e-Zamaan (Jesus), I am the Kaleem-e-Khuda (Moses) I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad Mujtaba." (Tiryaq-ul-Quloob P.3 Roohani Khazain Vol.15 P.134)
Mirza in his ignorance declares himself as "KAFIR"
Mirza Qadiyani said
1. I consider the claimant of Nabuwat and Risalat as liar and Kafir after Khatam al Mursaleen Sayyidna was Mawlana Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wasalam). I am certain that revelation of Risalat started from Adam (a.s) and “ENDED” with Janab Rasul Ullah Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu Alayhi wasalam)[Majmua Ishtiharat, Volume No. 1, Page No. 230]
2. In Quran Shareef there is no mention of Masih Ibn Maryam coming again, however, Khatam e Nabuwat is perfectly mentioned, to differentiate between old and new Prophets is a trick, this differentiation is not found in either Hadith or Quran, the hadith “La Nabi Badi” is also “GENERAL REJECTION” therefore how daring and disrespectful it would be to follow lowly thoughts and leave aside the “DEFINITE PROOF” in Quran and to believe that after Khatam al Anbiya a nabi can come, also to re-start the sislsila of Wahi after it had been stopped because whosoever has the quality of Nabuwat then his Wahi is without any doubt a Wahi of Nabuwat [Mirza Qadiyani in Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 14, Pages 392-393]
3. It is not the quality of Allah that He sends a nabi after “Khatam a Nabiyeen” nor is it His quality to start the chain of Prophethood again when he had “ALREADY BROUGHT AN END TO IT” and to increase in Ahkaam of Quran by abrogating few of them [Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 5, Page No. 377]
4. I believe that our Nabi Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is Khatam al Anbiya, and our book Quran is the means to guidance, I also believe that our Rusul is the leader of Messengers and children of Adam, AND ALLAH HAS BROUGHT END TO PROPHETS THROUGH YOU [Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 5, Page No. 21]
Mirza claimed to be Promised Messiah
1. "I proclaim that I am the Promised Messiah about whom every God's book has prophesized that he will appear in the Last Days."(Tohfa-e-Golravia, Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.295)
2. "I swear upon that God, who has sent me and fabricating on Him is the work of accursed one, He has sent me as Promised Messiah." (Majmoo'a-e-Ishtiharaat vol. 3 p.435)
3. "I swear upon the Being in whose hands is my life if Maseeh Ibne Maryam had been in my age, the task that I can perform he would never have been able to do and the signs that are being exhibited by me, he would have never displayed them." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.45, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.47)
Mirza going through Menses and having a child inside him which is like Child of Allah (One of his most absurd and vulgar imaginations through which he tried to claim himself as Isa Ibn Maryam.)
4. Mirza said: Babu Ilahi Bukhsh wants to see "YOUR MENSTRUATION" or get information on some "FILTH AND IMPURITY" but God will show you his rewards, which will continue, and in youthere is no menstruation but "THAT CHILD IS DEVELOPING", such a child who is like the "CHILD OF ALLAH" (Tatumma Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p.581)
5. Baboo Elahi Bakhsh wants to see my menstruation but Allah says you have no menstruation. There is that baby in you. (Annexure to Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, pg 581)That baby refers to Jesus Christ]
6. The insults go on: The spirit of Jesus was infused in me like it was infused in Mary and allegorically I was rendered pregnant. Not more than ten months had passed when I was made Jesus from Mary. That is how I became Jesus, son of Mary. (Kashti-Nooh pg 47)
7. "God who is the Lord of Earth and Heaven, He has revealed to me, not once but told me several times that I am Krishna for Hindus, and Promised Messiah for Muslims and Christians."(Lecture Sialkot, Roohani Khazain vol.20 p. 228)
Dajjal receiving Inspiration
1. "God has revealed to me in his special inspiration that Maseeh Ibne Maryam is dead." (Tauzeeh-e-Maram, Roohani Khazain vol. 3 p.402)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: A person called Javed Ahmed Ghamdi also has a similar belief. Beware O Muslims and never think of Ghamdi to be a sound scholar. Only turn towards Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah.
2. "I have been informed about the grave of Eisa (in Kashmir). And I have been informed by the Holy Quran and God's Revelation to me about the Death of Jesus." (Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.358, 361)
3. "I am just like Quran and soon it will be exhibited on my hands, what has been exhibited by Quran." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.119)
4. "These conversations that I have with God, by God I consider it free from mistake. It is my faith that as Quran my WAHI (revelation) is free from all mistakes. That faith which Hazrat Eisa had on the word which descended on him, that faith which Hazrat Musa had on Torah, that faith which The Leader of Prophets Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa SAAW had on Holy Quran, same faith I have on my WAHI and in this belief I am not less than any Prophet. He who lies in the accursed one." (Durre Sameen P.163, Roohani Khazain Vol.18 P.477-478)
5. "Wa maa arsalnaaka illa Rehmat al LilAlameen" Translation: O Mirza! We have sent you to make you Mercy for all the worlds. (Anjam-e-Atham P.78, Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.78)
Note by Aamir Ibrahim: Deobandi big authority Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi has also falsely said in his Fatawa Rashidyah that Rehmat al Lil Aalmeen is not an exclusive trait of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) .. AstaghfirUllah. So Beware O Muslims from Deobandi cult as well and only turn towards Ahlus Sunnah wa'l Jamm'ah.
6. " 'Daiyan ila Allah' and 'Sirajum Muneer' two names and two titles were especially given to Holy Prophet SAAW in Holy Quran and then the same two titles were given to me in inspiration." (Arba'een No.2 P.5, Roohani Khazain Vol.17 P.350)
7. "In this place, the word 'Soor' is indicative of Promised Messiah." (Chashma-e-Maarifat P.76, Roohani Khazain Vol.23 P.85)
8. "I am Krishna for Hindus." (Lecture Sialkot P.33)
9. "Hay Krishan Ji Roodur Gopal." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)
10. "It is no good to fight the Brahmin Autar (i.e. Mirza)."(AlBushra Vol.2 P.116)
11. "King of Aryans." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)
12. "Amin ul Mulk Jai Singh Bahadur." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.118)
13. "My step is on that minaret where all heights have ended." (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah P.35)
14. "Many thrones descended from heavens but your throne was laid down at the highest point." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)
15. "God has given me that thing which he had not given to anyone in the world." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.107, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.110)
16. Mirza describes his inspiration:
"YaHmadokAllah min Arshehee, YaHmadokAllah was Yamshee like - God is praising you from his throne, God is praising you and is coming towards you." (Anjam-e-Atham P.55, Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.55
17. Mirza says that God addressed him in the following words:
"Antara Ismee al'Aalaa - (O Mirza) You are my biggest name."(AlBushra Vol.2 P.116)
18. Mirza said: Enemies wish for my death and prophecies about it. God has, however, given me the good news that"I SHALL LIVE FOR EIGHTY (80) YEARS OR MORE" [Roohani Khazain, Vol. 19, P. 239; Mawahib-ur-Rahman, P. 21][But Mirza died in 1908 when he would be 68-73]
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Mirza Khabeeth died before the age of 80. He was born on 13th February 1835 and died on 26th May 1908 CE. Allah struck him with lightning and made Mirza struck by his own so-called prophecy.
19. "The Almighty revealed to me that whoever did not accept me was not a Muslim." (Akhbar Al-Fazl, Qadian, 15 January 1935)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Qadiyanis often try to deceive young Muslims by saying that they consider other Muslims to be Muslims. So Beware!
20. Look, from the order of God, "EVERY MOMENT BILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS DIE ON THE FACE OF EARTH AND BILLIONS TAKE BIRTH" with his intention” [Kashti-e-Nooh Page 37 Roohani Khazain Volume No. 19 Page 41]
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: It was and still is scientifically impossible for "BILLIONS TO DIE every day" and "BILLIONS TO TAKE BIRTH" So this lunatic Mirza was just firing arrows in the air.
21. "Antara Minnie ba manila waladee - You are from me like my son" (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.86, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.89)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Mirza did Shirk over here.
22. "Anta Minnie ba manila awlaadee - you are from me like my sons." (Al-Bushra Vol.2 P.65)
Despite all these arguments, atrocities and tyranny with the Qadiani or Ahmadi or with any other is an inhumane act. Differences should be to the extent of language and expression. Islam does not allow oppression and aggression to any human being. We Should have compassion based on humanity.  It

Thursday 2 July 2020

اسلام میں عورت کا مقام

اسلام دین فطرت انسانی کا مظہر ہے جس کی تعلیمات کے مطابق بنیادی حقوق کے لحاظ سے سب انسان برابر ہیں ہر بچہ فطرت اسلام پر ہی پیدا ہوتا ہے اور سب انسان اولاد آدم ہیں اس لحاظ سے اسلام میں جنس کی بنیاد پر عورت مرد کی کوئی تفریق نہیں اللہ کے نزدیک دونوں ہی اس کی مخلوق ہیں چنانچہ اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتے ہیں کہ (ترجمہ)اے لوگو!اپنے اس رب سے ڈرو جس نے تم کو ایک ہی جان سے پیدا کیا اور اسکی جنس سے اس کا جوڑا پیدا کیااور ان دونوں سے بہت سارے مرد اور عورتیں پھیلادیں(النساء 1-4)
اسلام میں عمل اور اجر میں مرد وعورت مساوی ہیں چنانچہ قرآن پاک میں واضح کردیا گیا کہ (ترجمہ) ’’مردوں کو اپنی کمائی کا حصہ ہے اور عورتوں کو اپنی کمائی کا حصہ ہے اور (دونوں)اللہ سے اس کا فضل مانگو‘‘(سورۃ النساء32)مزید فرمایا (ترجمہ) اور جو کوئی نیک عمل کرے گا،وہ مرد ہو یا عورت بشرط وہ مومن ہوتو ایسے لوگ جنت میں داخل ہونگے اور ان کی ذرا بھی حق تلفی نہ ہوگی‘‘ (النساء 124) قرآن پاک کے علاوہ کئی احادیث رسولؐ میں بھی عورتوں کے حقوق، فرائض اور ان کی معاشرے میں اہمیت کا ذکر موجود ہے خاتم النبین حضرت محمد ؐ نے ایک حدیث میں عورت کے وجود کو دنیا میں محبوب قرار دیا آپ ؐ نے فرمایا کہ’’ مجھے تمہاری دنیا کی چیزوں میں سے خوشبو اور عورتیں محبوب بنائی گئی ہیں اور میری آنکھوں کی ٹھنڈک نماز میں رکھی گئی ہے‘‘(الحدیث)’’عورتوں کے معاملے میں اللہ سے ڈرو‘‘(الحدیث)دیگر فرمایا ’’جس شخص نے 3لڑکیوں کی پرورش کی پھر ان کو ادب سکھایا اور ان کی شادی کی اور ان کے ساتھ اچھا سلوک کیا تو اس کے لیے جنت ہے‘‘ (ابوداؤد) الغرض قرآن وحدیث میں کثیر تعداد میں ایسے احکامات الغرض موجود ہیں جس سے اسلام میں عورت کے مقام ،اہمیت اور اس کے حقوق کا تعین ہوتا ہے اسلام واحد دین ہے جس نے عورت کو ذلت وپستی سے نکال کر اسے شرف انسانیت بخشا جبکہ اسلام سے پہلے دیگر مذاہب میں عورت کو ذلت، رسوائی وتحقیر کی علامت سمجھا جاتا تھا۔ ہندو مت میں خاوند کی موت کے ساتھ عورت کو بھی ستی کردیا جاتا تھا یعنی اسے بھی زندہ جلادیا جاتا تھا جبکہ عرب معاشرے میں اسلام سے پہلے دور جاہلیت میں لڑکی پیدا ہونے پر اسے زندہ درگورکردیا جاتا تھا قرآن پاک میں اس بہیمانہ ظلم کا ذکر موجود ہے جس میں اللہ تعالیٰ نے فرمایا کہ (ترجمہ)جب ان میں سے کسی کو لڑکی کی خبر دی جاتی تواس کا چہرہ سیاہ پڑجاتا ہے اور وہ غم سے گھلنے لگتا ہے اس بُری خبر کی وجہ سے لوگوں سے چُھپا چُھپا پھرتا ہے سوچتا ہے کہ کیا اس کو ذلت کے ساتھ لیے ہوئے ہی رہے یا اسے مٹی میں دبادے آہ ! کیا ہی برا فیصلہ کرتے ہیں‘‘(سورۃ الخل58)حضرت عمرؓ فاروق اس دور جاہلیت کے معاشرے میں گواہی دیتے ہیں کہ ’’قسم بخدا ہم دور جاہلیت میں عورتوں کو کوئی حیثیت ہی نہیں دیتے تھے یہاں تک کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے ان کے بارے میں اپنی ہدایت نازل کی اور ان کے لیے جو کچھ حصہ مقرر کرنا تھا مقرر کیا‘‘(صحیح مسلم شریف)اسلام نے اُس ذلت اور رسوائی سے عورت کو نجات دلائی اور اسے زندہ رہنے کا حق دیا بلکہ زندہ درگور کرنے والوں کو آگاہ کیا کہ اس جرم کا ضرور ان سے سوال ہوگا اللہ تعالیٰ نے فرمایا کہ’’(ترجمہ)جب کہ زندہ درگور لڑکی کے بارے میں پوچھا جائیگا کہ کس گناہ میں وہ ماری گئی‘‘(سورۃ التکویر9-8)اسلام نے معاشرے میں عورت کے حقوق، فرائض ودیگر مسائل کے لیے سورۃ النساء میں تفصیلی احکامات دیے ہیں جس میں نکاح،طلاق، خلع، وراثت ودیگر صنفی مسائل میں رہنمائی کی گئی ہے عورت کی عزت عصمت کی حفاظت کے لیے حجاب(پردہ)کا حکم دیا گیا ہے تاکہ معاشرے میں پاکیزگی واخلاقی اقدار برقراررہیں چنانچہ قرآن پاک میں واضح کہا گیا ہے کہ (ترجمہ)’’مومن عورتوں سے کہہ دو کہ ان کی آنکھوں میں حیا ہو اور اپنی شرم گاہوں کی پردہ پوشی کریں اور اپنا بناؤ سنگھار ظاہر نہ کریں سوائے اس کے جو خود ظاہر ہوجائے اور اپنے سینوں پر اپنی اوڑھینوں کے آنچل ڈالے رہیں‘‘(سورۃ النور)پردے کا مقصد عورت کو معاشرتی وخاندانی نظام سے الگ رکھنا نہیں بلکہ عورت سورۃ النور میں بیان کردہ احتیاطی تدابیر کے ساتھ خاندانی، معاشرتی نظام واجتماعیت میں اپنا کردار ادا کرسکتی ہے ہمارا دین اس ضمن میں کسی انتہا پسندی کی تعلیم نہیں دیتا حضور اکرمؐ نے فرمایا’’دین آسان ہے لوگو کے لیے آسانی پیدا کرو لوگوکو مشکلات میں مت ڈالو‘‘(صحیح بخاری)مغرب میں آزادی نسواں ومساوات مرد وزن کے نعرے کے تحت عورتوں کے حقوق کی جو تحریک ہے اس میں حقوق وفرائض سے زیادہ اسلام کے قوانین وتعلیمات کو ہی نشانہ بنایا گیا ہے پردہ، طلاق، تعدادازواج ،عورت کی گواہی اور وراثت میں نصف حصہ اور ہر سطح پر مساوی آزادی کا مطالبہ کرکے یہ پروپگنڈا کیا جاتا ہے کہ پردہ عورت کو قید کرنے کے مترادف ہے اور 4 شادیاں ووراثت وگواہی میں نصف حصے سے عورت کے حقوق متاثر ہوتے ہیں اور اس طرح عورتوں کا استیصال ہورہا ہے جبکہ اسلام پر محض یہ الزام ہے اسلامی تعلیمات میں اس ضمن میں جو ہدایات ہیں وہ انصاف وتوازن برقرار رکھنے اور معاشرے میں اخلاقی اقدار وخاندانی نظام کے استحکام کے لیے ضروری ہیں بعض قوانین ناگزیر صورت میں استثنائی ہیں جو ہنگامی ووقتی پیدا ہونے والے مسائل کے حل کے لیے ہیں ان تمام قوانین میں اسلام نے ہر صورت میں انصاف وتوازن کو برقرار رکھنے کی ہدایت کی ہے عورتوں کے مسائل سے متعلق کوئی بھی قانون ہو اس کی تشریح وتعبیر میں ہمیشہ انصاف وتوازن ومعاشرتی مفاد مقدم ہوگا لہٰذا اگر تعصب کو بالائے طاق رکھ کر اسلام میں دیے گئے عورتوں کے حقوق وفرائض کا گہرائی سے جائزہ لیا جائے تو بظاہرامتیازی نظر آنے والے قوانین امتیازی نہیں بلکہ خود عورت کی عزت وعصمت کے محافظ اور معاشرے میں اخلاقی وخاندانی نظام کو برقرار رکھنے کے لیے ناگزیر ہیں 

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Significance of Wahi, Kashf, Ilham, Telepathy in Islam

Kashfكشف in spirituality is an ability that allows one to travel anywhere in the universe. Through kashf, sahibul kashf or explorers can meet angels, prophets and saints. The detective (sahib kashf)is able to detect with open or closed eyes, however, it depends on the rank and position of the (sahib case)detective. There are more than 100 types of kashf). The material body of the discoverer or (sahib kashf) is in its place in the world, while the flight of imagination can take it anywhere. During this process, the sahib kashf or discoverer also sees his material body and feels as if Leaving the material body and travelling through the spiritual body. Kashf has several kinds like Kashf al-Qabur, Kashf al-Sadr and Kashf al-Hudhur are the most popular types of Kashf.
However, there is no guarantee that Kashf will be correct. Kashf can be both satanic and Rahmani because only those who have the status can distinguish between satanic or Rahmani incidents in Kashf. Sometimes it happens that some people begin to discover unintentionally, but spirituality is not considered a guarantee of the level of discovery or the potential to rise.
↑( Tafsir Urwat Al-Wuthqa Allama Abdul Karim Atheer)
telepathy is in possession of the person as he or she may tell what he or she wants, it's absolutely prohibited in Islam while Kashf is not in the possession of sahib kashf.
أمامِمَّنْ يَجِبُ التَّصْدِيقُ الْعَامُّ بِهِ فَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِمَّنْ يَظُنُّ بِهِ أَنَّهُ حَصَلَ لَهُ هَذَا الْكَشْفُ يَكُونُ ظَانًّا فِي ذَلِكَ ظَنًّا لَا يُغْنِي مِنْ الْحَقِّ شَيْئًا وَأَهْلُ الْمُكَاشَفَاتِ وَالْمُخَاطَبَاتِ يُصِيبُونَ تَارَةً؛ وَيُخْطِئُونَ أُخْرَى؛ كَأَهْلِ النَّظَرِ وَالِاسْتِدْلَالِ فِي مَوَارِدِ الِاجْتِهَادِ؛ وَلِهَذَا وَجَبَ عَلَيْهِمْ جَمِيعُهُمْ أَنْ يَعْتَصِمُوا بِكِتَابِ اللَّهِ وَسُنَّةِ رَسُولِهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَأَنْ يَزِنُوا مَوَاجِيدَهُمْ وَمُشَاهَدَتَهُمْ وَآرَاءَهُمْ وَمَعْقُولَاتِهِمْ بِكِتَابِ اللَّهِ وَسُنَّةِ رَسُولِهِ؛ وَلَا يَكْتَفُوا بِمُجَرَّدِ ذَلِكَ؛ فَإِنَّ سَيِّدَ الْمُحَدَّثِينَ وَالْمُخَاطَبِينَ الْمُلْهَمِينَ مِنْ هَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ هُوَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ؛ وَقَدْ كَانَتْ تَقَعُ لَهُ وَقَائِعُ فَيَرُدُّهَا عَلَيْهِ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَوْ صَدِيقُهُ التَّابِعُ لَهُ الْآخِذُ عَنْهُ الَّذِي هُوَ أَكْمَلُ مِنْ الْمُحَدَّثِ الَّذِي يُحَدِّثُهُ قَلْبُهُ عَنْ رَبِّهِ. وَلِهَذَا وَجَبَ عَلَى جَمِيعِ الْخَلْقِ اتِّبَاعُ الرَّسُولِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ۔ [مجموع الفتاوى]ـ
المؤلف: تقي الدين أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد الحليم بن تيمية الحراني (المتوفى: 728هـ)
“Its summary is that Kashf may be incorrect or right, if it is against sharia then it is wrong and not acceptable, companions of the prophet ust to Examine their kashf With the teachings of Quran and sunnah, if kashf is against sharia then it is wrong and from satan, its status is Danni or doubtful.”
It is necessary to understand the reality of Wahiوحی or revelation, Ilhamالہام and kashfکشف. Revelation means the revelation of a thing or event. Ilham means the induction of something in the heart and revelation or what is the message sent by Allah Almighty to the Prophet. The fact of kashf is that the Almighty, without looking or reasoning, instils some truth in the heart of the servant, or informs him through some unseen creature, as stated in the hadith of Tirmidhi: Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Allah has revealed the truth (through inspiration) to the tongue and heart of Umar. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) says: Whenever something (new) happened to the people, then the people gave their opinion about it and Hazrat Umar also gave his opinion, then the Qur'an (always) is the saying of Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). It has been revealed that revelation or wahi, Ilham and kashf are the three things that come from the will of God Almighty. They have the same source, but the main difference between them is that revelation or wahi is specific to the Prophet and revelation and Revelation ended with prophecy. Now, if anyone claims this, then he is a liar. The ruling of Kashf-e-Walham is that knowledge is obtained from Kahan, if it is in accordance with the rules of Shari'ah, then it is applicable, otherwise, it is obligatory to give up. If he does, only those facts and teachings which are not rejected by the Shari'ah are acceptable. It is in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and does not accept it.
As mentioned, revelation is exclusive to the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) and revelation cannot come to any non-prophet, no matter how high the level of sanctity and guardianship. However, sometimes Allah will infuse certain things to His special servants. Hazrat Mujaddid Al-Fathani (may Allah have mercy on him) has differentiated between the two. Kashf is related to the senses, that is, something or an event is visible to the naked eye, and inspiration is related to the senses. I don't see anything, just put something in my heart, that's why inspiration is usually more accurate than revelation. (Faiz al-Bari 1/19)
What happened to Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) is proven and true. Naafi 'narrates that' Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) made a man named Saria the commander of an army. Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Suddenly said, "O Mount Sariah, O Mount Sariah," and they found that on Friday, at that time, Sariah had attacked the mountain, even though the distance between Umar ibn al-Khattab and Sariah was one month.”
Musnad Ahmad Fazail Sahaba (1/269) and Allama Al-Albani (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It is sahih.

Monday 29 June 2020

Is Islam anti-racism and anti-casteism?

Islam is absolutely anti-racism anti casteism. Islam does not need its followers to seek guidance in any area of ​​life. All the needs of the soul and body are met. He has explained the solution to all the problems of livelihood. The whispers in the minds and the confusions in the minds have been removed forever. Now it is up to the Ummah to make a serious effort to benefit from this treasure of knowledge and wisdom. One thing is certain, however, that the future of humanity depends on Islam. What the present civilization has taken from a man in exchange for material progress, the mental confusion, hypocrisy, tension and cruelty and barbarism and political and economic slavery that man has suffered is a great price that man has paid. The benefits and blessings that could have come to God's creatures from the new scientific advances are less and the fear of the destruction of the equipment that has been provided for its complete destruction is greater.
The reality of the community system
The Holy Qur'an gives comprehensive instructions about the community system. Along with its benefits, the causes and consequences of its deterioration have also been uncovered. Irshad is Rabbani.
Yayهa Anna klqnkm from the public and any and jalnkm sauna and Tribal ltaarfuat their atqkm akrmkm Fear Allah o Allah the All-Knowing, Aware.
Cells, 49:13
“O, people! We created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. The most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.
In this verse, a great and universal error has been corrected, which has always spread terror in the world and which has strengthened the roots of oppression and abuse. That is racial, national, national, linguistic and colour prejudice. From time immemorial, human beings have left humanity and drawn some circles around themselves, in which it has considered its inhabitants as its own and its outsiders as strangers. These circles are drawn not on any rational or moral basis but on the basis of accidental birth. For example, being born into a tribe or family. Being born in a particular region of the earth, speaking a particular language, belonging to a particular colour and race, etc. Then the distinction made between oneself and others on these grounds would not have been bad if it had only been that there was more love for one's relatives, more sympathy for them, more kindness towards them. But this distinction took the worst forms of hatred, enmity, contempt, humiliation and oppression. For this, philosophies were invented, religion was invented, laws were made, moral principles were formulated, nations and empires were founded on it, it has been practised for centuries and is still going on. That is why the Jews considered the Israelites to be God's chosen creatures. And in matters of religion, I kept other nations inferior to my own. Among the Hindus, the Dharma Ashram was born out of this idea, which gave the Brahmins superiority over the rest of the nations. All human beings were considered unclean and unclean in comparison to the higher castes. The Shudras were thrown into a pit of great humiliation. The atrocities that blacks and whites have perpetrated on black people in Africa and the United States need not be traced in the pages of history, but in this twentieth century, everyone can see them with their own eyes. The way the Europeans treated the people of Red Indian descent in the United States and the atrocities they inflicted on them by dominating most of the countries of Asia and Africa and the way they exploited their material resources and the cruel treatment of small nations by imperialism. Has it always been, who doesn't know it? In the ongoing persecution of Palestinian Muslims and minorities in India, there is only one reason why the wealth, life and dignity of all except one's own nation are permissible. Slave everyone except your people, if you feel the need, destroy them. The last two great wars have taken place in the Western world. Behind them was the same notion of racial superiority. In view of these facts, if this verse is considered, one can easily estimate how great a mistake it is that this verse of the Qur'an was revealed to correct. It sets out three very important principles.
We created all human beings from one man and one woman. All these nations and races originated from one Adam and Eve. In all this, there is no basis for the ups and downs in which people suffer. One God Creator. All human beings were created from a single sperm, a method of creation.
Secondly, it was natural for nations and tribes to be divided, even though they were one in nature. Obviously, humans all over the world did not have the same family or the same region or the same colour or the same language. As the race grew, so did the family. Settle in different areas. Become nations from families and take up different professions for livelihood and lay the foundation of civilization. These natural differences had to be manifested, there was no familial defect in them but they created an introduction among the nations and different classes of human beings which was inevitable. But this natural distinction was by no means intended to establish in human beings the distinctions of high and low, noble and low, superior and inferior, and small and great. Let one generation show its superiority over another generation. People of one colour should despise people of other colours and one nation should dominate another nation and one group should have priority over another in human rights. The Creator created different nations for mutual introduction and cooperation. Love each other and people should be each other's helpers and helpers.
Third, being born into a nation or community is not the basis of one's greatness or happiness. The real basis of greatness and dignity is a moral virtue. It is a coincidence that a person is born into a nation. He has no authority in it, so the real reason for his greatness is not to belong to the nation and the tribe, but to his personal moral virtues. The one who fears God more, obeys His commands, seeks His pleasure, is great, honourable, great and honourable, and the one who rebels against God, the Messenger of God The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is arrogant, he is humiliated, he is lowly, he is despised.
The instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
These are the facts which have been stated in a short verse of the Qur'an, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) has explained in detail on different occasions in different sermons. He said on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah.
Praise be to Allaah, Who has given you the flaw of ignorance and arrogance. The fathers of the people, the men of the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Ali (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Suyuti, Al-Dar Al-Mathur, 7: 579
"Praise be to God who has removed the defect and ignorance of ignorance like you, people! All human beings are of two kinds. A virtuous, pious, honourable person in the sight of Allah. The second is the wicked who is humiliated in the sight of Allah. All human beings are descendants of Adam and Allah created Adam from clay.
He said on the occasion of Hujjat al-Wada ':
O people, my lord, you are the only one who has no grace for the Arabs over the non-Arabs, the non-Arabs over the Arabs, the blacks over the red, and the blacks over the blacks, except for the pious. They said, "Yes, cat or messenger."
Bayhaqi, Sha'b al-Iman, 4: 289, No. 5137
"Logo! Listen, your God is one. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and a non-Arab over an Arabic, a black over a red and a red over a black except piety. Surely the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you. Did i talk to you The people asked, "O Messenger of Allah!" Yes! He said, "Let the man who is present here convey this to those who are not present."
There is a hadith:
I do not look at my pictures and my possessions, but I look at my hearts and my eyes.
Ibn Majah, Al-Sunan, 2: 1388, No. 4143
"Surely Allah does not see your appearance and your wealth, but He sees your heart and your deeds."
These teachings are not limited to words, but Islam has practically established a universal community of believers according to them. There is no distinction of colour, race, language, homeland and nationality. There is no concept of discrimination and prejudice. All participants, regardless of nationality, race, nationality, colour or language, can and have joined with equal rights. Even opponents of Islam have had to admit that the way in which the principles of human equality and unity have been successfully implemented in Muslim society is unparalleled in any country, religion or system in the world. ۔ Islam is the only religion that has united the different tribes and nations spread around the world into one Ummah.
In this regard, in the Islamic system of society, kungfu has been ordered at the time of marriage. This gives some people the illusion that in Islam some people are noble tribes and some are vile, although this is wrong. In Islam, a Muslim woman can marry any Muslim with the conditions set out in the Shari'a. Nowhere in it is there any provision which makes the marriage of a man of one nation illegal to a woman of another nation due to certain national differences. However, age, education, shape and appearance, social and economic suitability, etc. have been taken into consideration in the marriage. Without which it is obvious that it is difficult for a couple to get along. Taking care of this appropriateness is by no means the caste bond in which the above-mentioned defects abound. May God help us all to strengthen the Islamic brotherhood.

Friday 19 June 2020

Mohammad Bin Qasim and Raja Dahir

Muhammad bin Qasim bin Yusuf was born in Taif in the year 31 December 695 AD to a famous family of the Saqafi tribe, his honorific epithet is Imaduddinعمادالدین. In the period of Abdul Malik bin Marwan. Hajjaj bin Yusuf was appointed the supreme ruler of the Eastern States (Iraq). Hajjaj bin Yusuf appointed his uncle Qasim as the governor of Basra. Muhammad bin Qasim moved with his father from Taif to Basra, where he received his education and training. Hajjaj bin Yusuf established the city of Wasit for the training of his special troops. Muhammad bin Qasim received military training in this city. Thus, at the age of only seventeen, Muhammad bin Qasim emerged as a military commander.
Muhammad bin Qasim used to hear a lot about Sindh. There were wars in this area even during the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. During the reign of Hazrat Amir Muawiyah, the Makran region was conquered.
In 88 Hijri the king of the island of Yaqut (Ceylon) sent a ship to Iraq to establish good relations with the Arabs, carrying orphans and widowed Muslim women. When the ship passed through the port of Sindh (Debal), some people of Sindh looted the ship. Hajjaj bin Yusuf demanded the release of the ship and the Muslim women from the king of Sindh. But he refused to be released. Hajjaj bin Yusuf marched twice but failed. When Hajjaj bin Yusuf became convinced that Muslim women and army men were imprisoned in the Devil's prisons and that the king of Sindh did not want to release them because of enmity with the Arabs, Hajjaj bin Yusuf decided to conquer all areas of Sindh. Therefore, in 90 Hijri, a large army was sent to Sindh under the leadership of Muhammad bin Qasim.Muhammad bin Qasim conquered innumerable areas of Sindh in just 2 years, till 92 Hijri. In 92 Hijri, a decisive battle was fought with the Sindhi army under the leadership of Raja Dahir of Sindh, in which the Raja of Sindh was killed, and the Arabs were victorious under the leadership of Muhammad bin Qasim.Muhammad bin Qasim became the conqueror of Sindh at the age of only seventeen years. Till 95 Hijri, other areas of Sindh and even some areas of Punjab were conquered by the Arabs under the leadership of Muhammad bin Qasim.
As soon as Muhammad bin Qasim decided to enter India (present-day India) after his conquest of Sindh, the new king Suleiman bin Abdul Malik ordered him to return to Iraq immediately. After Walid bin Abdul Malik, Sulayman bin Abdul Malik became the caliph. Relations with the families of the new caliphs Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik and Muhammad bin Qasim have not been good. Muhammad bin Qasim believed that I had to invite Janamut back to Iraq. The people of Sindh and the army officials forbade Muhammad bin Qasim to return. But Muhammad bin Qasim refused to disobey the caliph's order and returned to Iraq. Sulayman bin 'Abd al-Mulk imprisoned Muhammad bin Qasim out of hatred and obstinacy. Give trouble in different ways. On 18 July 715 AD, in the age of 23 he died in Mosul, Iraq.
When Muhammad bin al-Qasim was thinking of going to the army of conquest to the borders of the countries of India, and the new caliph’s order, Suleiman bin Abdul Malik, arrived to go to Iraq, the young believer bowed to God’s cause, knowing that his fate was perishing, not for a sin he committed, but for the misfortune that occurred, because of Some political behaviour from his relative, the Hajjaj Bin Yusufحجاج بن يوسف الثقفى, and the sad boy prepared to travel, so the mass crowds went out to see him in tears, sad, the Arabs were not alone crying about his fate, but the people of Sindh from Muslims, even Brahmans and Buddhists, they shed torrential tears, and they begged him to remain in Sindh, and they will stand behind him if the danger knocked on his door, but his own fatherhood refused to violate the caliph's order.
Muhammad bin al-Qasim arrived in Iraq, and the governor of Iraq, Salih bin Abdul Rahman, bound him in chains, sent him to Wasit City Prison because of his enmity to the Hajjaj Bin Yusuf, and there he tortured him for months with various types of torture until he died in the year 95 of the Hijrah.

Friday 12 June 2020

آنند موہن زتشی گلزار دہلوی کی وفات .اردوکےایک عہد کا خاتمہ

اردو کے کہنہ مشق بزرگ شاعر ومصنف مرحوم آنند موہن زتشی گلزار دہلوی گلی کشمیریان پرانی دہلی میں جولائی 1926میں پیداہوئے.ان کے والد پنڈت تری بھون ناتھ زار دہلوی جواردوفارسی کے جید عالم شاعراور اپنے وقت کے نامور استاد تھے دہلی یونیورسٹی میں ادوفارسی کی خدمات اور اپنی وضع قطع کی بناپر مولوی صاحب کے نام سے مشہورتھے.گلزاردہلوی نے اپنے والدمحترم جناب زار سے تعلیم حاصل کی دہلی یونیورسٹی سے ایم اے کیا.وہ مرزاسائل دہلوی کے واسطے سے مرزاداغ دہلوی کے سلسلۂ تلمذکی آخری کڑی تھے.دہلی کے مشاعرے ان کی بناپر جان پاتےتھے اور وہ ان کو جلا بخشتے تھے.وضع قطع سے وہ ہمیشہ شیروانی اور ٹوپی میں ملبوس  رہتے تھے وہ نہ صرف یہ کہ دہلی تہذیب کی ایک زندہ نشانی تھے بلکہ اس کاایک آخری چراغ سحری تھے.ان کی وفات نہ صرف اردو کے لئے ایک اندوہناک حادثہ ہے بلکہ دہلوی تہذیب کابھی عظیم خسارہ ہے اللہ تعالی ان کے پسمانگان کو صبرجمیل عطافرمائے.اور اردو زبان کو ان جیسے عظیم سپوت کی وفات سے جوخلا ہوگیا ہے اسے ان کے نعم البدل کے ذریعے پرفرمائے.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Sanitizer permissible in Islam or not while it has alcohol ?

Indeed it is permissible according to sharia law, because alcohol, has different kinds, just “ethanol”(alcohol) is taboo and dirty which falls into wine, sanitizer does not contain “ethanol” which is prohibited, it contains ‘isopropyl' alcohol, another kind also contains in shampoo ,most common alcohol are as under: lauryl alcohol, myristyl alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, behenyl alcohol, these all kinds are absolutely permitted except ethanol.