Wednesday 22 January 2020

Contribution of Sirhind to Arabic,Persian and tasawwuf litrature

Sirhind City is located in the East Punjab District of Fatehgarh sahab of India.It was built by the order of the Emperor Firozshah Tughlaq on the indication of Makhdum jahanyan jahan Gasht syed Jalaluddin Bukhari.Orignaly it was Sihrind means jungle of lions by the volubility it became Sirhind. Some Historian said it is a compound word which made by sir and Hind, sir means corner and Hind means India in Persian, means: corner of India.Sirhind was an important city in the medieval period.king Humaun invaded on the Army of Sikandar suri and defeated him on1555 in Sirhind.
Mughal Emperor Akbar came Sirhind to punish Berum khan on his disloyalty.
Mughal emperor Shahjahan's one wife Sirhindi Begum was from Sirhind. The Emperor built here a Palace and gardens.His daughters Raushan Ara and jahan Ara used to visit sirhind in the shrine of Sheikh Mujaddid Alfsani.They both were disciple of Sheikh Masum sirhindi.
According to the Rauzatul qayyumiah Emperor Jahangir came to Sirhind after demise of Sheikh Mujaddid Alfsani to present condolences his son Sheikh Masum.
In the Medieval sirhind we see prominent Historians, poets, administrators,Persian and Arabic prose writers and poets.
Historians of Sirhind:
1.Yahya bin Ahmad Sirhindi 2.Alahdad sirhindi3.Sheikh Abdul Ahad Sirhindi 4.Ibrahim Sirhindi5.Mulla Abdul qadir sirhindi.6.Fazlullah sirhindi7.Abdul Haqq sajawal sirhindi.8.Mulla Abid Sirhindi.9.Ghulam Muhuddin sirhindi.10.Sheikh Qutbuddin sirhindi.11.Sheikh Abdul Ahad Gule wahdat sirhindi.
Arabic writers:
1.Sheikh Ibrahim sirhindi2.Sheikh Abdullah Niyazi Sirhindi3.Maulana Amanullah Sirhindi4.Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi5.Sheikh Mohammad Saeed Sirhindi.6.Khwaja Masum Sirhindi6.Sheikh Saifuddin Sirhindi7.Sheikh Alahdad bin Saleh sirhindi.
Persian poets:
1.Nasir Sirhindi.2.Rasikh sirhindi.3.Sarkhush Sirhindi.4.Ijad sirhindi.5.Aishi Hisari6.7.Sheri Sirhindi.8.Safai Sirhindi.9Khushtar Sirhindi.10.Saqib Sirhindi.11.wahdat sirhindi

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