Tuesday 7 January 2020

رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ایک خاص دعاءAn important Du'aa of the Prophet peace be upon him

اللهم إنك تسمع كلامى و ترى مكانى و تعلم سرى وعلانيتى ولا يخفى عليك شئ من أمرى و أنا البائس الفقير المستغيث المستجير الوجل المشفق المقر المعترف بذنبى أسئلك مسئلة المسكين وابتهل إليك ابتهال المذنب الذليل وأدعوك دعاء الخائف الضرير و دعاء من خضعت له رقبته وفاضت لك عبرته و ذل لك جسمه ورغم لك أنفه اللهم لاتجعلنى بدعائك شقيا وكن لى رؤفا رحيما يا خير المسؤلين وخير المعطين
O my God! You listen to my speech and you see my condition and position,you are aware of that which is concealed of me and that which is evident.None of my matters are hidden from you.I am afflicted with hardship and distress(misery),needy(of your threshold).I lodge my complaints only to you,I seek only your protection,I am over come by your fear,I acknowledge and  accept my sins and shortcomings.I beg of you like that destitute who had no support and is lonely.I plead in your  presence like a disgraced sinner.I pray to you,the prayer of one who is overcome with your fear and is afflicted with pain and  distress,like the prayer of one whose head is hung down before you and whose tearse are flowing in your presence,whose body is humbled before you and rubbing his nose before you.O Allah!Do not reject my prayers and deprive me and be beneficient to me  and have mercy upon me,O He who is the best and the greatest Diety,O He who is the most Generous.

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