Sunday 23 February 2020

Why peaceful protests not allowed in India.

India is the Democratic secular Republic. Every one can protests here peacefully and legally. Secular means government is free from attachment and favour of any religion. It's all decisions or judgements will not binding according to any particular religion. while India has 80 % Hindu population, despite the fact that the constitution of India is secular. India has a number of religions, creeds, castes, languages and doctrines. The incumbent regime knows about the fact despite that enacted CAA. Anyone who protests against the divisive law beaten up by the police even ladies are suffering the brutality of the police. The parliament of a secular State passed the law which is prejudiced. In another hand, if anyone protest in favour of the CAA policy allowing it, is it right?is it not a double standard?. Incumbent regime making law and policies that are based on communalism. Police not working according to the secularism rather they are working according to the incumbent regime. This way of ruling is absolutely wrong and not appreciated by the secularism. All secular mind people think that CAA is unconstitutional, communal. we all secular mind people confirm that once the court will declare it unconstitutional.we also confirmed that people of India will continue to protest against it till the withdrawal or revocation by the Supreme court. A secular state has no religion of its own as recognized religion of State, while some ministers clearly say anyone who wants to live India should come back to the house means should convert to the majoritarians religion.

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