Saturday 8 August 2020

Reality of Islam

 The Hindu religious book Purana mentions that the Kalki incarnation will come. Kalki is a Sanskrit word whose meaning has been defined. If this word is translated into Arabic, Muhammad will translate it. Then it is said that he will be born from the womb of Somti. The word Somti is a Sanskrit word which means peace and if we translate it into Arabic, the translation of Somti into Arabic will be Amina آمنہwhich was the name of the mother of the Prophet.

Ashlok No. 10 of Shri Das Avatar states that Kalki will be born in the house of a person named Vishnu Yas and he will be the son of Vishnu Yas. Vishnu means Godاللہ in Sanskrit and Yas means servantعبد. If we say this word in Arabic, it will be Abdullahعبداللہ, which is the name of the Prophet's father.

It is further stated that he will be born in the village / area of ​​Shambala. Shambala is a Sanskrit word meaning a place of peace. Translated into Arabic, it will be translated as Darlamanدارالامن, another well-known name in Makkah. Then it is said that a good era will begin when it comes to Kalki. Then it is said that Kalki will be the last incarnation who will be sent to protect the religion.

Muslims believe that the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, is the only person in the history of mankind mentioned in the books of all the major religions of the world. You are mentioned in the holy books of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism (Zoroastrianism) etc.


The Holy Bible is the holy book of Christians.

A) The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the holy book of the ancient Jews, and it records the circumstances of all the prophets before Moses. The New Testament contains references to modern Jesus.

B) The Old Testament and the New Testament together make up the whole Bible of 73 books. However, the Protestant Bible, called the King James Version, contains 66 books. Because they consider 7 books suspicious. And doubt its authenticity.

So the Catholic Church has 46 books in the Old Testament, while the Protestant Old Testament has 39 books. The New Testament of the two sects consists of 27 modern books. There are many denominations in Christianity, the two major denominations being Catholic and Protestant.

Old Testament:

The Qur'an states:Those who follow the Prophet (peace be upon him) whom they find written in the Torah and the Gospel.

Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) Prophecy of Deuteronomy in the fifth book of the Torah:

The Almighty says to Moses in Deuteronomy (Book of Exceptions) in Surah 18:18:

I will create a prophet from among your brothers who will be like you (Moses), and I will put my words in his mouth and he will say to them what I command him.

Christians claim that this prophecy is about Jesus because Jesus was like Moses. Moses was a Jew, and Jesus was a Jew. Moses was a prophet and Jesus was a prophet. If these are the two principles for fulfilling the prophecy, then all the prophets mentioned in the Bible who came after Moses, such as Solomon, Ezekiel, Daniel, John, etc., were all Jews and prophets even though it is Muhammad (peace be upon him). Which is like Moses.

1) Both were the parents of Moses and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) while Jesus was miraculously born without the intervention of man.

2) They both got married and had children, but according to the Bible, Jesus did not marry or have children.

3) Both died of natural death. While Jesus is resurrected.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was one of the brothers of Prophet Moses. Arab is the brother of Jews. Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. The Arab is a descendant of Ishmael and the Jew is a descendant of Isaac.

There are many meanings of a word in the Arabic dictionary, Umi امیhas one meaning. Original, root. Mecca is also called Umm al-Quraام القری, because Mecca was first made a land. In the same way, the mother is called Umm امin Arabic, because she is the origin of her children, in the same way, Hazrat Aman is called Eveحوا because she is the origin and root of all human beings.

The second meaning is a person who has not been educated by anyone and the knowledge of the whole world comes to him. This is the meaning for the Holy Prophet (sws). That is why the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is called a mother, because he did not acquire knowledge from any human being. None of the human beings is the teacher of the Prophet (peace be upon him), but Allah Almighty has taught him all the sciences. How is it possible that one who has come to teach the whole world, to show the straight path, does not know anything by himself? Only such an unfortunate, unfortunate and arrogant person can think that the Holy Prophet (sws) is illiterate.

I will raise up among your brethren a prophet like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them as I command him.

2: The book of Deuteronomy states that:

If anyone does not listen to what he says in my name, I will hold him accountable.

In the book of Isaiah foretold by Muhammad:

It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah that:

When the book was given to him who had read it and said, "Read it, I will pray for you." He said, "I have not read it."

When Gabriel told Muhammad to read, he said, "I am not literateماأنابقاری."

New Testament

It is mentioned in the verse of Surah As-Saff that:

And remember when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Surely I am a messenger of the Most High to you. I am going to confirm the Torah which has come before me and I am going to give the glad tidings of a messenger who will come after me. Then when he came with clear signs, they said: This is clear magic.

All the references to Muhammad in the Old Testament are valid for Christians as well as Jews. Because both Christians believe in the Old Testament and the New Testament, while the Jews believe only in the Old Testament.

John 14:16

And I will pray to God and He will give you a helper who will be with you, forever.

John 15:26

I will send you a helper who will be from my Father. The helper is the spirit of truth that comes from the Father. When he comes, he will testify about me.

John 16: 7

Verily, verily, I say unto you, It is better for you to go. If I don't go, you won't get help.

Ahmad or Muhammad means the person who is praised or the one who is praised. This is almost the meaning of the Greek word periclytos. In Surah 16: 16, Surah 51: 26 and Surah 16: 7 of the Book of John, the Greek word Peraclytos is translated into English as comforter. However, Peraclytos means lawyer or a kind friend. That doesn't mean help. Which has been used in the English translation. Paracletos is a tetra form of the word paraiclytos. Jesus actually prophesied in the name of Ahmed. Also, the Greek word paraclete refers to Muhammad, who is a mercy to the whole world.

Some Christians say that the word "Comforter" mentioned in these prophecies refers to the Holy Spirit. But they have failed to understand this because the prophecy clearly states that when Jesus leaves this world, the Comforter will come. However, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit was already on earth in the time of Jesus and even before that. He was in Elizabeth's womb and again when Jesus was being baptized, and so on and so forth. In the same way, this prophecy is only about Muhammad and only mentions him.

The Gospel of John, Sura 16, verses 14-12

I have a lot to say to you but you will not be able to bear all these things. But when the Spirit of truth comes, it will guide you to the truth. The Spirit of truth will not say anything on its own, but will say what it hears, it will tell you what is going to happen, and it will glorify me (ie Jesus (pbuh)).

The word soul used in the above verse does not refer to anyone other than the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Because the word Ruh-e-Haqq is used here for Muhammad (peace be upon him). And one of the attributes of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is truth. Which is present in the Quran. It is also stated in the above verse that when he comes:

1) Will show people the way of truth.

2) He will say whatever he hears. He will not say anything on his own.

3) He will glorify and honor Jesus.

A. The Prophet (pbuh) showed the people the path of truth and that is the path of the Almighty.

B. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said what he heard and did not speak of his own accord. The Almighty says in the Qur'an:

And (the Prophet) does not speak of his own free will. It is nothing but what is revealed to him.

D. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not use any wrong words about any of the Bani. He always praised the prophets of the Almighty. And along with other prophets, Muhammad praised Jesus. Jesus is also praised in many places in the Quran. Jesus is called the Spirit in the Qur'an, which means the mercy of the Almighty. In addition, Jesus is called the Word of God, the Prophet of God, and the name of the Prophet.

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