Tuesday 5 November 2019

Last address of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him in Arafat

We seek protection against mischiefs of our hearts and our evil actions.whomsoever God guides on the right path no one can lead him astray and whomsoever God does not give guidance no one can guide him right."I declare this truth that there is no God except Allah and I declare this truth that Mohammad is his servant and his massenger.O servant of God!I advise you to worship him and I persuade you to do so.
I begin with these sacred words.After this I tell you.O people! listen to me carefully as speak clearly, for i do not think I will have the opportunity to meet you there after this year.O People!your blood and your property have been sanctified to one another till you are presented to your Lord,just as this month,year,this day in this city are sanctified.Beware that I have conveyed the word to you.O Allah be our witness!so whosoever has anything in trust should return it to it's owner.Amounts of interest of the days of ignorance are remitted and first of all I remit the claims of interest of my uncle Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib . All claims of blood of the days of ignorance are cancelled and first of all I cancel the blood demand of Rabia bin Harris bin Abdul Muttalib.All titles and offices of the days of ignorance are abolished with the exception of caretaking of Kaaba and Saqaya.Deliberate murder shall be avenged.For the death caused unintentionally by club or stone the compensation fixed is a hundred camels anyone increasing it will be considered as belonging to the days of ignorance.O people! After the establishment of the order of truth the devil has lost hope that he will be worshipped in this land.But he will be pleased if he is obeyed through such other sins which you consider light.O people! the change of months (sanctified months)is an addition to the ways of apostasy and through it the idolaters fall into further wrong path that a month made permissable one year and prohibited next year so that by manipulation they substitute the number of the months prohibited by God.Surely, the world has today returned to the time when Allah created the earth and the heavens.Before Allah the number of months is definitely twelve and when God created heaven and earth this number was entered into His Book the charter of destiny is still there.Of those four months are sanctified:Viz.,zulqad,zulhij and Muharram and one separate i.e.Rajab which is between Jumadal ukhra and sha'aban. Beware that I have conveyed the word.O Allah be thou the witness.O people! your women have been given some rights in respect of them.It is incombent on them to let no one enter into their sleeping chambers except you and do not let anyone enter into your house whose entry is not liked by you.And they should not commit any adultery.If they commit it God has permitted you to part with them,keep them out of your sleeping chambers and give them such bodily punishment which does not leave a mark on the body.If they desist and obey you their maintenance is your responsibility.Surely,women are subject to you and cannot act of their own accord you have taken them as your companions as a trust from Allah and you have use of their bodies with Allah's permission.So fear God in respect of women and treat them in the right manner.Beware that I have conveyed the word.O Allah! Be thou the witness.O people!Men of the faith are brothers to one another and so to take the property of a brother without his permission is prohibited.Beware that I have conveyed the word of Allah! Be thou the witness.So do not, after me go back to the ways of idolatry and slay not each other. I am leaving with you a thing that as long as you follow it, you will never go astray,and that is the book of Allah.Beware that I have conveyed the word.O Allah! Be thou the witness.O people!your God is one, and your ancestor is also one.You are all the progeny of Adam who was created from earth.The most respected before God amongst you is one who is most God fearing.No Arab has preference over a non-Arab or a non-Arab over an Arab.Preference,if any is on the basis of the fear of God.Beware that I have conveyed the word of Allah.O Allah Be thou the witness.And you people will be asked about me.Now tell me what you will say.All cried out:We affirm that you have conveyed the message carried out the responsibility of instructing the people,raisef all curtains from the face of truth and faithfully conveyed the trust of Allah.O Allah Be Thou the witness!O Allah Be Thou the witness!so Allah Be Thou the witness!Those who are present here should convey thise things to Those who are absent.Possibly those who are absent may remember and observe these things more carefully than those present.O People!Allah has assigned a specific share of inheritance to each heir.To will more than one third of one's property is not permitted.The child belongs to one on whose bed it is born and the adulterer shall be stoned.Whosever calls someone else his father besides his real one, will meet the curse of God and Angeles and all men and no amends will be accepted from him on the day of judgement. Allah's protection and blessings descend on you!O people! No prophet is to come after me and no community will be raised after you.So listen carefully and devote yourself in submission to God, offer prayers five times daily,perform pilgrimage of your Lord's Sacred Mosque and carry out the orders of your chiefs and rulers that you may find a place in paradise.
#Last Address of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him in Arafat.

Please study the following :
#Etiquettes of naming
#نام رکھنے کے آداب
#The Impact of Islam on Indian culture
#Last address of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him
#Prophet's life in short
#Munsif Gogoi
#شیخ مجدد الف ثانی رحمۃ اللہ علیہ
#ولیمے کے آداب
#والدین کے حقوق
# ا نسان کے اپنی ذات سے متعلق آداب
#سنت و نوافل کہاں پڑھنا بہتر ہے مسجد میں یا گھر میں
#اولوالامرکی تفسیر
#آداب نکاح
#Eid Meeladun Nabi
# موبائل اور فون کے آداب