Saturday 4 January 2020

Text of the Hudaibiyah treaty

In the name of Allah
This is the treaty of peace between Muhammad bin Abdillah and Suhail bin Umr which stipulates:

1.There will be no war between the parties for a period of ten years,Both parties will be in a state of peace during this period and will not disrupt each other's movement either openly or clandestinely in violation of the treaty.This treaty is like a closed box(to shut off all frictions)and will remain between us.
2.Any one of the Quraish going over to Muhammad without the consent of his guardian will have to be returned.In case some one from Muhammad's side comes over to quraish,he will not be handed back to Muhammad.
3.Other tribes or clans will be free to strike alliance either with Muhammad or with Quraish according to their choice.
4.This year Muhammad will take back his companions(without performing umrah)and may return next year and stay in Makkah(for that purpose)on the following terms:
(i)They will carrying only those weapons which a traveller carries with him,which means swords only,which are sheathed.
(ii)They will not stay in Makkah beyond three days.

This treaty is attested as witnesses by Abu Bakr bin Abi Qahafa,Omar bin al Khattab,Abd al_Rahman bin Auf,S'ad bin Abi Waqqas,Usman bin Affan,Abu Ubaidah bin al_Jarrah,Muhammad bin Muslema,Huwaitab bin Abd al Uzza and Maqraz bin Hafs bin al Akheef.
(Battles by the Prophet.By:S.Ameenul Hasan Rizvi,p:151)

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