Saturday 14 March 2020

Indian origin names of the Muslims in India :

Indian origin Muslims names are different from Iranian, Malaysian and Indonesian Muslims, for example, Indian Muslims have Raju, Pehl U, Banney, Paltu, Suraj khan, Chand Khan like names. In north India, especially in the villages, some Muslim names are as under: Daulat Ram khan, kanahyya, Kundan, Murari Khan, Rahul, Sehdev, Rohit, for female: Kunti, Mehki, Rekha, etc, some abovementioned names are usually originating from old Hindu mythology and common in Hindus and Muslims. Moreover, south Indian Muslims name is different from north indians. So it is absolutely wrong to say that Indian Muslims haven't Indian origin names. In this very context famous Urdu poet Allama Iqbal, says:
واعظ تنگ نظر نے مجھے کافر جانا
اور کافر یہ سمجھتاہے کہ مسلمان ہوں میں.
“Narrow mind preacher of belives about me because of the unislamic habits that I have no belief in Islam properly, while none Muslim believe that I am a proper Muslim

Friday 13 March 2020

Remarriage for Halala is unIslamic and taboo

The so called halalah is absolutely prohibited and haram.No wedlock of this kind, in fact, existing in the Holy Quran. It is derived mistakingly from the verses of the Holy Quran which is usually misinterpreted by those who are favouring this taboo act presenting under mentioned verses:
“(Revocable) divorce maybe only twice; then( let there be) either honourable retention or a kindly release. And it is not lawful for you to take back anything from what you have given them unless the couple fears that they may not maintain Allah's bound. So if you fear they would not maintain Allah's bounds, thee is no sin upon them in what she may give to secure her release. These are Allah's bounds, so do not transgress them, and whoever transgresses the bounds of Allah_it is they who are the wrongdoers. (230) And if he divorces her, she will not be lawful for him until she marries a husband other than him, and if he divorces her, there is no sin upon them to remarry if they think that they can maintain Allah's bounds.”
In the above-mentioned verse pre-plan remarriage for a time being is not included but Prophet Muhammad PBUH cursed this kind of marriage. Abu Dawood (the book of authentic traditions of the Prophet)and Ibn Majah (authentic book of hadith)reported that both the first husband and the temporary husband were cursed by God, and Ibn Majah calls the temporary husband "a borrowed billy-goat". Al-Hakim Nishapuri adds that marriage should be based on genuine intentions, and that in the time of Muhammad, tahleel spouses would have been considered adulterers.

No caste system in Islam

The caste system is not acceptable in Islam, Quran says:إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم “indeed who is more fearing from Allah amongst you is more honourable in the sight of Allah”
The complete translation is as under:
“I mankind!indeed we created you from male and female, and made you nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another.indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God wary among you.”(سورۃ الحجرات:13)
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said in their last address in Arafat:
“O people!your God is one, and your ancestor is also one.You are all the progeny of Adam who was created from earth.The most respected before God amongst you is one who is most God fearing.No Arab has preference over a non-Arab or a non-Arab over an Arab.Preference,if any is on the basis of the fear of God.Bew are that I have conveyed the word of Allah.O Allah Be thou the witness.”
For the complete address of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Arafat

Thursday 12 March 2020

Why pray only in Mosque face to Kaaba only?

Just all that Islamic ways will be valid and validated that are according to the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).It is absolutely true that Allah is omnipresent, he was directed the Prophet Muhammad to perform obligatory or mandatory Salah in the Mosques facing the Kaaba with congregation,it's Prophet's way and Allah said: ‘Do as the messenger of Allah has given you the directions’.So performing Farz or mandatory salah in the Mosques is the way of the Prophet,and performing salah according to the way of the Prophet is the exact way which is appreciated by Allah. Therefore Muslims go five times in a day and night to the mosques to perform their fard or Mandatory Salah, according to the guidance of the Prophet (PBUH).It has numerous social advantages.

What positives can be said of Babur?

Babar became king of Farghana,now in Uzbekistan when he was just 12 year old, he was a prominent poet and author of the Turkish and Persian languages. His autobiography shows that he was an able writer of the language. He wrote under mentioned verses in Persian to Nizam Khan, the governor of Bayana District Bharatpur when he has not obeyed him:
باترک ستیزہ مکن اے میر بیانہ
چالاکی ومردانگئ ترک عیانست
گرزودنیائی ونصیحت نہ کنی گوش
آں جاکہ عیانست چہ حاجت بہ بیانست
"O, leader of Bayana don't engage in war with the Turkish man, bravery and talent of the Turkish man is clear. If you don't come rapidly and will not hear my advice then that shall happen which is clear and you know about it very well, no need to be mentioned." 
   When he came to Sialkot Near the shore of Ravi he visited the library of Ghazi Khan and selected several books to their own and for Humayn and to Kamran Mirza.itShows that he had tremendous interest in the books.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

My favourite Poetry

My favourite poetry in Urdu is different Ghazals and Nazams of Faiz Ahmad Faiz but I love this Ghazal of Insha more:
کل چودہویں کی رات تھی شب بھر رہا چرچا تیرا
کچھ نے کہا یہ چاند ہے کچھ نے کہا چہرا تیرا
ہم بھی وہیں موجود تھے ہم سے بھی سب پوچھا کیئے
ہم ہنس دیئے ہم چپ رہے منظورتھاپردا تیرا
اس شہر میں کس سے ملیں ہم سے تو چھوٹی محفلیں
ہر شخص تیرا نام لے ہر شخص دیوانہ تیرا
This poetry of Insha which is evergreen has mysteries and indications with commonly known words spreading gorgeous lovely, messages.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Darul_Islam's features

Darul Islam means an Islamic state, where the judiciary is free and adjudicates according to Islamic law. Its salient features are as under:
1. Minorities’s safety is an important responsibility of the government.
2.government has special forces and money to the safety of the minorities. not allowed publicly.
4.Minorities may use wine, or pork everything which his or her religion allows.
5.Anything which is harmful to human beings not allowed, as eating cow dung or urine, polyandry, adultery, alcohol etc. 

Emerging of the new language in medieval India

Babar, the first Mughal emperor used to speak Turkish and Persian, he wrote his own autobiography named Tozak e Babri In the Turkish language, but he wrote Poetry in Persian also. Mughals have translators of regional languages by this mixture a new language created it was the Urdu. when Ibrahim Lodhi defeated by Babar in the field of Panipat, having cut off his head, they brought it before Babar. A man who was present on the field recited this verse:نوسے اوپر تھا بتیسا پانی پت میں بھارت دیسا
آٹھویں رجب سکر وار بابر جیتا براہیم ہارا. (تاریخ داؤدی)
Thirty-two years we're above nine hundred,
At Panipat_the land of Bharat, Eight Rajab_Friday, Babar won; Brahim defeated.
At the beginning of the Mughal era, this kind of language had been used, which was a combination of Arabic, Persian, and Hindi or Hindustani languages, eventually, it became a developed language in the shape of Urdu.

The real Kaaba

The real Kaaba is very that which is famous and located in Makkah Al Mukarramah. All stupid opinions against it have no significant than supposedly we say “real Delhi is in south Jordan” if anyone announces so that will be rejected historically, by all means.No dispute about it by any means or sources or by the personality. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran as well, in Aal Imran verse no 96,97:إن أول ىيت وضع للناس للذى ببكة certainly first home which is built for the people indeed located in Makkah.

Beginning of the Urdu language

By the coming of Arabs, Afghans, Mughals in the medieval period different Arabic, Persian, Turkish words mixed up with the Hindi or Hindustani languages .Muslim kings and poets in sultanat and Mughal period used to write and talk by this language, as Manuchahri who was poet in India at the court of Sultan Masud son of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, he uses Arabic,Persian and Hindi words in his poetry :
الا تامومناں دارند روزہ.الا تا ہندواں گیرند لنگھن
The word langhan means:a fast.This poetry has mixed words of Arabic, as momin,Persian as geer and,darand, and roza, similarly Hindi word Langham used while the poetry is in the Persian language.Famous Mughal era Poet and the leader of a religious outfit Kabir says:
کبیرا عشق کا ماتا دوئی کو دور کر دل سے
جوچلناراہ نازک ہےہمن کو بوجھہ کیا
It's historically verified that Arabic and Persian words penetrated in Hindi, and Hindi words in the Persian prose and poetry and by this diversity a new language emerged named Rekhta or Urdu.

Monday 9 March 2020

PDFالإنصاف فى بيان أسباب الاختلاف.للشاه ولى الله المحدث الدهلوى

شاہ ولی اللہ محدث دہلوی قدس سرہ کی مایہ ناز عربی تصنیف,شیخ عبدالفتاح ابوغدہ رحمہ اللہ کی تحقیق وتعلیق کے ساتھ درج ذیل لنک پر کلک کرکے حاصل کریں

PDFتاریخ پنجاب

منشی دیبی پرشاد کی نایاب تصنیف درج ذیل لنک پر کلک کرکے حاصل کریں

Wednesday 4 March 2020

دہلی فساد کے شہداء

 یہ لاشہائے بے کفن یہ ٹوٹے پھوٹے جسم وتن
بھلاسا ان کو نام دویہ زیست ہے نہ مرگ تن
شعور ہست وبود کے وہ نکتہائے خفیہ سن
جنہیں ملک نہ کہہ  سکے وہ راز کہہ گیا کفن
تری نگاہ میں حیات  سلسۂ نفس سے ہے
حیات جاودان دیکھ,یہی ہے اس کا بانکپن
 تونوحہ کر سلام لکھ نہ مرثیہ سنا انہیں
نقش دوام بن گئے جو لاشہائے بے کفن