Sunday 22 December 2019

English Proverbs and Maxims

Proverbs And Maxims
A stitch in time saves nine.(When a thing goes wrong it should be mended at the very beginning or it would cost much time and money afterwards.)
A man is known by the company he keeps.(People will take you for a rogue if you associate with rogues,they will call you good if you mix in good company.)
A bad workman quarrels with his tools.(An inefficient worker,instead of blaming himself,finds fault with his subordinates and instruments or circumstances.)
A rolling stone gathers no moss.(An unsteady man never succeeds.One who is chopping and changing and doesn't settle down will never become wealthy.So says the proverb,but it is not always borne out by facts___and its reverse does not hold true.)
All that glitters is not gold.(Do not be deceived by a glitering exterior.Appearances are often deceptive.)
A friend in need is a friend indeed.(A true friend stands by us in times of adversity.)
Something is better than nothing.(Half a loaf is better than no bread.)
Better alone than in bad company.(It is better for one to remain alone than haunt the society of evil persons."Evil communications corrupt good manners".)
Idleness is the rust of the mind.(A man is spoiled if he does not work.)
Be slow to promise but quick to perform.(You must reflect long before making a promise but when you have once made one you should not delay in acting up to it.)
Be thou familiar but by no means vulgar.(Be familiar with everybody,but avoid too much familiarity which breeds contempt.)
Bear and forbear(Endure patiently and avoid being angry.)
Cut your coat according to your cloth.(Regulate your expenses according to your income.)
Change of fortune is the lot of life.(Change of fortune is inevitable.Fortune is like a wheel.when the wheel goes up, we are prosperous;but when it goes down,we are miserable and poor.)
Do to others as you would be done by.(Behave towards others as you wish others to behave towords you.)
Desperate diseases require desperate remedies.(Extreme measures are necessary to put down an evil for which ordinary remedies are ineffectual).
What cannot be cured must be endured.(Try to find a remedy for every difficulty you can,but if you meet with one for which you can find no remedy,then bear it meekly and patiently.)
Empty vessel makes much noise.(a man of no worth brags most.)
Cut off one's nose to spite one's face.(To act from anger in such a way as to injure oneself.)
Blow hot and cold in the same breath.(To appear both to favour and to opoose;to say two contradictory things in the same breath.)
Carry coals to newcastle.(to take something where it is already plentiful.To do what is superfluous.)
Better late than never.(It is better to do a thing even after long delay than not to do it at all.)
As you make your bed,so you must lie.(You must accept and bear the consquences of your own actions.)
Easy come,easy go.(What is acquired without effort is spent without thought.)
Rome was not built in a day.(Great undertakings require time and should not  therefore be impatient.)
There are friends and friends.(Neither are all friends true nor are all friends false.)
All his geese are swans.(The phrase is applied to a man who always represents his own possessions as better than similar things which belong to another.
Let sleeping dogs lie.(This phrase is used when men who have quarrelled have allowed their quarrel to go to sleep,__a quarrel which an irritating world would readily revive.
To kill two birds with one stone .(To accomplish two things with one stroke.)
There are wheels within wheels.(The phrase implies secret machinations in a  scheme which do not appeare on the surface.)
Beggars should not be choosers.(Person seeking favours must not dictate to the giver what they like best.)
Example is better than percept.(action is better than teaching.An ounce of practice is better than a ton of theory.A person's moral conduct is more impressive than his teaching.)
Everybody's business is nobody's business.Too many cooks spoil the broth.(a business will not be done properly where nobody is singly and solely responsible for it.)
A full purse never lacks friends.(Friends surround a rich man.)
First deserve,then desire.(Everybody should see first wheather he deserves a particular thing or not;then he should have a desire for it.)
He lacks most who longs most.(He who had numerous wants never has his wishes gratified.)
It is never too late to learn.(We may acquire knowledge at any time and at any age.)
Let every herring hang by its own tail.(Let every one attend to his business.)
Jack of all trades but master of none.)
Look before you leap.First weigh then say.(Consider well before you act.)
Little pitchers have long ears.(Children are listening to what is being said:used in warning.)
Make hay while the sun shines.Strike when the iron is hot.(do not lose an opportunity when it comes.)
Man proposes,God disposes.(Human plans will often fail,but what God has arranged must come to pass.)
There is many s slip betwixt the cup and the lip.(We should not count on any thing it is actually in our grasp.)
Marry in haste,repent at leisure.(If you do a thing rashly, you will have to repent afterwards.)
Prevention is better than cure.(It is better to prevent a misfortune if you can,than to find a remedy for it after it has taken place.)
Praise a fair day at night.(Do not think that circumstances are favourable to you till you have seen the end.)
Patience is a plaster for all sores.(If you have  patience,you will be able to bear all the troubles of life.)
Forgiveness is the noblest revenge.(The way of being revenged upon a man who injures you is to forgive him.)
To err is human,to forgive divine.(Every one is liable to err,but to forgive one who commits a mistake is a god_ like act.)
Out of sight,out of mind.(An absent friend is soon forgotten.)
Saying is one thing,doing another.(Easier said than done.)
Waste not,want not.(If you do not Waste things,you will never be in want.)
Procrastination is the thief of time.(most time is lost by putting off a work till a futute time.)
Strain at a gnat and sawallow a camel.(Most time is lost by putting off a work till a future time.)
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.(To do or say anything that will bring sever punishment.)
Time and tide wait for no man.Take time by the forelock(These sayings point out the folly of procrastination.)
Well begun is half done.(If a work is well begun,it becomes easy to go through with it.)
It never rains but it pours.(When strokes of good or bad fortune come,they come in rapid succession.)
Let the dead past bury its dead.Let bygones be bygones.(It is useless to revive un pleasant memories of the past.)
More haste less speed(Slow and steady wins the race,and the man who is over_hasty always spoils his work and wastes his time.He always does someththing amiss in haste and has to waste much time in mending it.)
There is a silver lining to every sable cloud.(there is always some ray of hope in the darkest condition of affairs.Sweet are the uses adversity.Misfortune,adversity,depresstion however long they last,end in happiness and good fortune."If Winter comes, can spring be far behind?") In for a penny,in for a pound.(In such a position that the penalty, loss,danger chance,or risk is the same, regardless of the degree of responsibility involved;when the enormity of the offence is not followed by a proportionate increase in punishment or risk;seeking the largest profit."As well hanged for a sheep as for a lamb,"as another proverb has it.) Little strokes fell mighty oaks(little by little we achieve great things) Slow and seady wins the race.(slow but sure) Bacchus has drowned more men than neptune.(Wine has killed more men than water.) Barking dogs seldom bite.(Blustering and swaggering bullies do not often carry out their threats."Thundering clouds seldom rain." Creaking doors hang the longest.(Sickly persons very often outlive the strong.) Povert acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.(Nothing stands in the way of companionship among the wretched and needy.) Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.(The reputation of a great man's wife must be without blemish;hence,any one who moves in select circles must be above reproach or too worthy to be suspected of evil.) Every bullet has its billet.(Nothing occurs by chance or is done without some purpose or effect.)

Words followed by appropriate prepositions

Certain words and phrases in English must be followed by particular prepositions.The use of inappropriate prepositions is a fertile source of error.The following list is given with a view enabling the student to understand the proper use of some of the important prepositions:----
Abate in fury;abated by law :Time brought no abatement in the fury of the father;the rate of interest is regulated and abated by law.
Abide in a house,at a place,with a person,for a time,by the consequences of what we do.
Abound in,with:This land abounds in springs and stream;A faithful man shall abound with blessings.
Absolved from a promise,a sin,etc.:Nathing can absolve you from the promise you have made.
Absorb:Plants absorb moisture from the air;The student is absorbed in study.The Nutriment may be absorbed into the system through the skin.
Abstain fom food,from indulgence,from luxuries:He abstained from food two days.
Abstract:the purse may be abstracted from the pocket;the substance from the accidents;make an abstract(=summary)of a book.
Accede to a request,to terms proposed by another,to the conditions or terms of a treaty or contract:He acceded to my terms.
Access to:It is hard to get access to him.
Accident. The accedent of birth; an accedent to machinery.
Accommodate to,with:We must accomodate ourselves to our circumstances.
He accommodated his friend with a loan.
Accompany one to a house or a place:I accompanied him to Delhi.
Accompanied by:He was accompanied by his friends.
According to:He did according to his promise.Sometimes 'according as'

أبيات تتمثل بها العرب

إذا لم تستطع أمرا فدعه
وجاوزه إلي ما تستطيع
العلم ينهض بالخسيس إلي العلى
والجهل يقعد بالفتى المنسوب
جزى الله الشدائدكل خير
عرفت بها عدوي من صديقى
حياك من لم تكن ترجو تحيته
لولا الدراهم ما حياك إنسان
ستذكرنى إذا جربت غيري
وتعلم اننى نعم الصديق
فما أكثر الأصحاب حين تعدهم
ولكنهم في النائبات قليل
كم مات قوم وماماتت مكارمهم
وعاش قوم وهم فى الناس أموات
لكل داء دواء يستطب به
الا الحماقةأعيت من يداويها
لكل شئ حسن زينة
وزينة العاقل حسن الأدب
من يصنع الخير مع من ليس يعرفه
كواقدالشمع في بيت لعميان
ماأحسن الصدق في الدنيا لقائله
وأقبح الكذب عندالله والناس
من كان فوق محل الشمس رتبته
فليس يرفعه شئ ولا يضع
وإذا أتتك مذمتي من ناقص
فهي الشهادة لي بأنى كامل
عش عزيزاأو مت وأنت كريم
بين طعن القنا وخفق البنود
ما بقومي شرفت بل شرفوا بي
وبنفسى فخرت لا بجدودي
وبهم فخر كل من نطق الضاد
وعوذ الجاني وغوث الطريد
إذا أنت أكرمت الكريم ملكته
وإن أنت أكرمت الليئم تمردا
ووضع الندى في موضع السيف بالعلي
مضر،كوضع السيف في مو ضع الندى
إنعم و لذ فللأمورأواخر
أبداكما كانت لهن أوائل
إذااعتاد الفتى خوض المنايا
فأهون مايمر به الوحول
إن السلاح جميع الناس تحمله
وليس كل ذوات المخلب السبع
العبد ليس لحرصالح بأخ
لوأنه في ثياب الخزمولود
إذااشتبكت دموع فى خدود
تبين من بكي ممن تباكي
إن الكرام إذا ماأيسروا ذكروا
من كان يألفهم فى المنزل الخشن
إن الزرازيرلما قام قائمها
توهمت أنها صارت شواهينا
إن كنت تطلب عزافادرع تعبا
أوفارض بالذل واختر راحة البدن
أيا حجرالشحذ حتي
تسن الحديد ولاتقطع
إذا لم يعن قول النصيح قبول
فكل معاريض الكلام فضول
إذاماالجرح رم على فساد
تبين فيه تفريط الطبيب
إذاالله لم يحرسك مما تخافه
فلاالسيف قطاع ولا الدرع مانع
إذاندبواللقول قالوافاحسنوا
ولكن حسن القول خالفه الفعل
إن السماء إذالم تبك مقلتها
لم تضحك الأرض عن شيئ من الزهر
بذاقضت الأيام مابين أهلها
مصائب قوم عندقوم فوائد
تريدين إدراك المعالي رخيصة
ولابددون الشهدمن إبرالنحل
صديق عدوي داخل في عداوتي
وإني لمن ودالصديق ودود
فلاحديقتهم يجني لها ثمر
ولا سماؤهم تنهل بالديم
قد تنكرالعين ضؤالشمس من رمد
وينكرالفم طعم الماء من سقم
كريشة بمهب الريح ساقطة
لا تستقرعلى حال من القلق
كبر بلانسب تيه بلا حسب
فخربلاأدب هذامن العجب
لم أردالطيرعن شجر
قدبلوت المر من ثمره
لاخير في حسن الجسوم وطولها
إن لم يزن حسن الجسوم عقول
لا تقطعن ذنب الأفعى و ترسلها
إن كنت شهما فأتبع رأسها الذنبا
له خلائق بيض لايغيرها
صرف الزمان كمالايصدأالذهب
ماكل من المعالي نافذا
فيهاولا كل الرجال فحولا
ما الذي عنده تدارالمنايا
كالذي عنده تدار الشمول
ماأنت أول سار غره قمر
ورائد أعجبته خضرة الدمن
ماإن يضرالعضب كون قرابه
خلقاولاالبازي حقارة عشه
وكيف يبيت مضطجعا جبان
فرشت لجنبه شوك القتاد
وماالحسن في وجه الفتى شرف له
إذالم يكن في فعله والخلائق
ومافي سطوة الأرباب عيب
ولا في زلة العبدان عار
وماالحداثة عن حلم بمانعة
قديوجد الحلم في الشبان والشيب
وما منزل اللذات عندي بمنزل
إذالم أبجل عنده وأكرم
وماكل ناوللجميل بفاعل
ولا كل فعال له بمتمم
وماالخيل إلا كالصديق قليلة
وإن كثرت في عين من لايجرب
وكل ا مرئ يولي الجميل محبب
وكل مكان ينبت العز طيب
ومن يجدالطريق إلي المعالي
فلا يذرالمطي بلاسنام
وأستكبر الأخبارقبل لقائه
فلماالتقيناصغر الخبر الخبر
ومن نكدالدنياعلي الحرأن يرى
عدواله مامن صداقته بد
ومن البليةعذل من لايرعوي
عن جهله وخطاب من لايفهم
ومن العداوةماينالك نفعه
ومن الصداقة مايضرويؤلم
وكل يرى طرق الشجاعة والندى
ولكن طبع النفس للنفس قائد
ورب كئيب ليس تندى جفونه
ورب كثيرالدمع غير كئيب
وفي تعب من يجحد الشمس ضؤها
ويجهدأن يأتي لها بضريب
وإن كان ذنبي كل ذنب فإنه
محاالذنب كل المحو من جاء تائبا
وإطراق طرف العين ليس بنافع
إذا كان طرف القلب ليس بمطرق
وكل امرى يوما سيعرف سعيه
إذاحصلت عندالإله الحصائل
وقط نبح الكلب السحاب ودونها
مهامه تغشى نظرة المأمل
ومن يأمن الدنيا يكن مثل قابض
على الماء خانته فروج الأصابع
وماانتفاع أخي الدنيابناظره
إذااستوت عنده الأنواروالظلم
وهل يدعي الليل الدجوجي أنه
تضي ضياء الشمس شهب ظلامه
ولا تشم كل خال لاح بارقه
ولو تراءى هتون السكب ثجاجا
والنارفي أحجارها مخبؤة
لاتلتظي إن لم تثرها الأزند
والهم يخترم الجسيم نحافة
ويشيب ناصية الصبي ويهرم
ومن ينشدالركبان عن كل غالب
فلابدأن يلفي بشيراوناعيا
وأول ما يكون الليث شبلا
ومبدأطلعةالقمر الهلال
والنجم تستصغرالأبصارصورته
والذنب للطرف لاللنجم في الصغر
وكم مضمربغضا يريك محبة
و في الزندناروهوفي اللمس بارد
وماكل أزهارالرياض أريجة
ولا كل أطيارالفلا تترنم
وماكل من هزالحسام بضارب
ولا كل من أجرى اليراع بكاتب
وما كل وحش ترى ضيغما
ولا كل عوديسمى عفارا
يخفي العداوة وهي غير خفية
ياجل ما بعدت عليك بلادنا
وطلابنافأرعدبأرضك وأبرق
يمروعيدالظالمين بسمعه
كماطن في لوح اللجين ذباب
يلقاك والعسل المصفى يجتنى
من قوله ومن الفعال العلقم
سيعلم الجمع ممن ضم مجلسنا
بأنني خير من تسعى به قدم
أناالذى نظرالأعمى إلى أدبي
وأسمعت كلماتي من به صمم
الخيل والليل والبيداء تعرفني
والسيف والرمح والقرطاس والقلم


Antonyms__ words of opposite sense.Pairs of words having opposite or contrary meanings are called Antonyms:
Accustomed: Unusual.
Ample:scanty,or meager.


(اسم تصغیر)Diminutives are formed from certain words to express smallness affection or contempt.we give below a list of some of the diminutives in common use:
Ankle(ٹخنہ)                  ... Anklet
Arm  (بازو)                    ...Armlet
Baron(انگلستانی امیر)   ...Baronet
Book.                           ...Booklet
Brook.                         ...Brooklet
Bull.                             ...Bullock
Cat.                              ...Kitten
Crown.                        ...coronet
Dame.(بیگم)                ...Damsel(دوشیزہ)
Dear.                            ...Darling
Duck.                           ...Duckling
Eagle.                          ...Eaglet(عقاب کا بچہ)
Eye.                              ...Eyelet
Hill.                              ...Hillock  (چھوٹی پہاڑی)
Lamb(بھیڑ کا بچہ)        ...Lambkin
Lance.                         ...Lancet
Leaf.                            ...Leaflet
Man.                            ...Manikin
Nest.                            ...Nestling
Owl.                             ...Owlet
Part.                            ...Particle
Poet.                           ...poetaster
Ring.                           ...Ringlet
River.                          ...Rivulet
Shade.                        ...Shadow
Stream.                       ...Streamlet
Tower.                         ...Turret

Proper Nouns used in general sense:

Many interesting words frequently used in the English language come from the works of Greek,Roman and modern writers of the first rank.
When we speak of a modern Hercules(یونانی رستم)we are using the proper name Hercules in  genetal sense,applying it to any person who possesses the strength for which Hercules was famed.Similarly a Goliath among men means a man of gigantic stature and strength.Friends in relation to each other are often said to be David and Jonathan.
Below is given a list of proper names used in a general sense:_
1.A sop to cerberus__ something offered to an official to make him favourably inclined.The dead who passed through the gates tried to assuage his violence by offering him some delicacy.
A yahoo__a coarse person possessing the instincts of a brute.Yahoo was the name given by Swift in Gulliver's Travels to a race of brutes in human shape.
A vandal__a person who either wilfully or through ignorance destroys beautiful works of art.The vandals were Germanic race who invaded the Roman  Empire and destroyed many books and works of art.
An Ishmael__an outcast one who hated and is hated by the majority of the people.Of Ishmael,the son of Hagar it was said"His hand shall be  against every man,and every man's hand against him."
A Roland for an Oliver__an effective retort to a remark(tit for tat).Roland and Oliver two heroes of French legend.They fought against each other on one occasion,but neither of them was able to defeat the other.
A Philistine__ a man who  has no interest in culture or the arts.The Philistines were regarded as  the greatest enemies of the Israelites.Its against the fact indeed.
A Sibyl__ an old fortune_teller or an old hag.The ancient race believed that the Sibyl had the power of prophecy.
A Daniel__an exceedingly wise judge.In The  Merchant of Venice when portia allowed shylock to have his pound of flesh from the body of Antonio,Shylock exclaimed with joy,"A Daniel came to judgment."
An Amazon__a woman of masculine character.The Amazons were a fabled race of female warriors.
To go from scylla to Charybdis:To escape from one misfortune only to fall into a more serious disaster.Scylla was a six headed monster living on a rock and Charybdis was a whirlpool so placed that it was hard to avoid it without being caught by the monster Scylla.
EL Dorado__ a fictitious country or city abounding in gold where boys play marbles with diamonds and the houses are roofed and the streets are paved,with gold.
Eysium__ place,state, of ideal happiness.The Greeks believed it to be the abods of the blessed after death.
Islands Of the Blest__where,according to the Greeks,the blessed lived after death.There they enjoyed nectar and lay on beds of asphodel.
A Don Juan__ a dissolute person of the upper or aristocratic class.Don  Juan,a young Spanish nobleman,who is represented as commencing his career of love and gallantry at sixteen,is the hero of Byron's poem Don Juan.
Dryasdust__A fictitious heavy author, very learned and very dull.In modern use the word signifies a dull,uninteresting speech or argument.
Faust__ a student toiling after knowledge beyond his reach.Faust is the hero and title of a celebrated drama of the German poet Goethe.
Friar Tuck__ a humorous, self_indulgent clergyman.This character is introduced by Sir Walter Scott in his novel called Ivanhoe.
A Man Friday__ a constant and submissive attendant.
A Hamlet__ an irresolute,wavering sort of person whose action is held up by too much of reflection and thouhgt.The hero of Shakespeare's famous play Hamlet.
John Bull__the national nickname for an Englishman,satirized as a rough,kindhearted and bull_ headed farmer.
A Martinet__a strict disciplination;so called from the Marquis de Martinet,a young colonel of Louis XIV,who reformed the French infantry.
A Mephistopheles__ a sneering,irreverent shallow temper.The character is that of a devil in  Goethe's famous drama Faust.
A Merry Andrew__a buffoon;so called from Andrew Borde,a Physician to  Henry VIII,who combined considerable wit and drollery with great learning.
Puck__a mischievous,frolicsome and graceless fellow.Puck is a mischievous fairy in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Rip Van Winkle__person who has gone to sleep for an age.Rip Van Winkle is represented as a Dutch farmer who slept twenty years in the Kaatskill mountains and found on awaking that America had become independent.
A Sherlock Holmes__ a very clever detective.The name is the  Hero and the title of a novel by Conan Doyle.
A Shylock__ a merciless Jew who was a great usurer.An allusion to the Jew in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.
Tom Jones__a model of generosity,manliness and openness combined with thoughtless dissipation.The hero of one of Fielding's novels.
Uncle Sam__the United States( of America)Government.
Boycott__ coerce,punish(person,class,nation)by systematic refusal of social or commercial relations;combine in abstaining from(goods etc.)With this aim.(Captain Boycott,Irish landlord,first notable victim,in 1880).
Brother Jonathan__ the people of the United States or the personification of their Government.
Bunkum__ inflated or bombastic speech_making for effect only;any specious utterance of a legislator made solely to please his constituents.This word is supposed to have had its origin in the remrk of a member of congress from Buncombe,N.C.,That he was "talking only for Buncombe."
Cabal__ a number of persons secretly united for effecting by intrigue some private or party purpose.In English History,the ministry formed in the reign of CharlesII,after the fall of Clarendon(1667_1673).It was essentially a 'committee of the Privy Council'('committee for foreign affairs')under CharlesII,so called because the initial letters of the names of its members formed the word:Clifford Arlington,Buckingham,Ashley and Lauderdale.
Coventry__ a town in Warwickshire where women who spoke to soldiers were ostracized because of the unpopularity of the troops.Hence, to send to coventry_to banish from society or social intercourse.
Enoch Arden,One who returns after a long absence during which he has been given up as dead by his friends and relations.From Enoch Arden,the hero of a poem of the same name by Tennyson.
Jezebel__a wicked wanton woman impudently brazen and given to painting her face;from Jezebel,the wife of Ahab,king of Israel.
Joe Miller__a stale story or worn out joke:from Joseph Miller,an actor and humourist(1684__1738),whose name was printed on a jest_book published in 1739 but who never was known to write a joke.
John Chinaman__ the English nickname for the Chinese as a people.
Johnny__ a young man about town,especially one given to hanging about stagedoors.
Jonah__ any person regarded as bringing ill_luck:from the Biblical story of the Proohet Jonah.
Macaroni__ an exquisite;a fop;a dandy.An exquisite of a class which arose in English about 1760 and consisted of young men who had travelled and affected continental tastes and fashions.
Malaprop(ism)__ludicrous misuse of word,especially in mistake for one resembling it.(e.g.a nice derangement of epitaphs for arrangement of epithets.)From Mrs.Malaprop,in Sheridan's Rivals,noted for her heroic achievements in word_ fowling with a blunderbuss.
Pontius Pilate__ a pawn broker.
May Queen__ a girl chosen to preside over May Day revels,usually in acknowledgment of her beauty or popularity.
Samaritan__a humane,compassionate person.
Sandwichman__a man who perambulates the streets bearing from his shoulders boards displaying advertisements before and behind.
Santa claus__the patron saint of children,in nursery folklore, a friend who brings presents on Christmas eve:usually pictured as a fat,jolly old man dressed in red trimmed with white fur,who descends chimneys to fill the stockings hung by the chimney_piece with gifts.
Scotland yard__used for the London police,the headquarters of the detection of crime.

specialised expressions

There are certain phrases in which some word is restricted to a certain connections,so that no other word can be substituted for it:-
1.Bevy of ladies__we never say 'a bevy of gentlmen.'
2.Bosom friend__we  never speak "Bosom enemy."
3.Broad daylight__we do not speak "broad moonlight"but bright moonlight."
4.Burning question__we should not say "burning problem."
5.Drawn battle __we never say"a drawn fight"but we can say a drawn match."
6.Fast friend__we do not  speak of 'a fast enemy"or"a fast foe."
7.Foregone conclusion__we never speak of a" foregone result"or a foregone consequence."
8.Golden age __we do not speak of "golden time or period"
9.Gratuitous insult__we do not speak of "gratuitous abuse".
10.Honest penny __ we do not speak of "turning an honest six pence."
11.Implicit confidence__we do not say,implicit love or hatred."but we say 'implicit faith'or"implicit reliance."
12.Leading question__we should not say "a leading inquiry."
13.Livelong day or night__we cannot say "a livelong hour,or week,or year."
14.Maiden speech__ we cannot say "a maiden song"or a maiden attempt."
15.Market rate or market value__we cannot say "trade rate" or trade value."
16.Moot point__we cannot say "a moot question."
17.Open secret__we cannot say"an open point."
18.Out of doors__we never say "out of door"or" out of gates."
19.Retrench expenditure__we not say "retrench trade or business."
20.Sinews of war__we cannot say "the muscles of war."
21.Snail's pace__we cannot say 'snail's movement.'
22.Spin in yarn or yarns__(traveller's tale;rambling discourse).we never say'spin a thread.'
23.Standing army__ we never say"standing navy or regiment."
24.Standing joke__we never say "a standing jest."
25.Standing rule__(established rule).we can never say "standing practice or custom or habit."
26.Standing orders__we cannot say "standing instructions."
27.Stubborn fact__ we can never say "an abstinate fact"or "stubborn truth."
28.Sworn friends__ we can never say "a sworn enemy."we may say "an avowed enemy."
29.Tall talk__we never speak of "lofty talk."
30.Vials of wrath__ we cannot say"vials of anger,or indignation,or fury."
31.Watery grave__ we do not speak of " a watery tomb."
32.Whirlgig of time__we cannot say "whirgig of period."
33.White lie__we do not say"white falsehood."
34.Willing slave__ we do not speak of willing servant."
35.Standing nuisance__we never say"a standing trouble."we may say"a constant trouble."
36.Standing water__(stagnant water).We can never say "standing need."


 علی گڑھ اور ہندوستان کے متعدد شہروں میں مظاہرے جاری ہیں.انٹرنیٹ بہی بند تھا آج ہی کھلا ہے اس لیے روز نیے مضمون کا سلسلہ جاری نہ رہ سکا.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Shortcuts of the descriptions

BAK:Back At Keyboard
BBIAB:Be Back in a Bit
BBIAF:Be Back in a Few
BBL:Be Back Later
BFN:Bye For Now
BIF:Basick in Fact
BRB:Be Right Back
BTW:By The Way
CID:consider It Done
CIO:Check It Out
FAQ:Frequently asked questions
FWIW:For what It's Worth
FYA:For your Amusement
FYI:For Your Information
GIGO:Garbage in,garbage out
GMTA:Great Minds Think Alike
GR&D:Grinning Running And Ducking
GTG:Got To Go
GTSY:Glad To See You
GYPO:Get Your Pants Off
HTH:Hope This (That) Helps
IAE:In Any Event
IC:I See
ILY:I Love You
IMHO:In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO:In My Not so Humble Opinion
IMO:In My Opinion
IOH:I'm Outta Here
IOW:In Other Words
IRL:In Real Life
KIT:Keep In Touch
KYPO:Keep Your Pants On
LJBF:Let's Just be friend
LMAO:Laughing My Ass Off
LMBO:Laughing my butt off
LOL:Laughing Out Loud
LTNS:Long Time  No See
MorF:Male or Female
MOTD:Message Of The Day
MOTSS:Members of the Same Sex
NBIF:No Basis In Fact
NG:Nice Guy/gal
NM:Never Mind
NRN:No Reply Necessary
NUL:No!You're lying
OIC:Oh,I see
OOTB:Out of the Box or Out of the Blue
OTF:On the Floor(laughing)
OTOH:on The Other Hand
PEBACK:Problem Exist Between Chair And Keyboard
PMFJI:Pardon Me For Jumping in
POV:Point of View
RI:Romantic interest
ROFL:Rolling on Floor with Tears In My Eyes
ROTF:Rolling on the floor
ROTFL:Rolling on the floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO:Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off
RPG:Role playing game
RSN:Real Soon Now
RTM:Read The Manual
S/AC:Sex Age Check
SITD:Still In The Dark
SMV:Sexual Market Value
SorG:Straight or Gay?
SWAG:Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SYSIWYG:What you see is what you get
WEG:Wicked Evil Grin
WAG:Wild Ass Guess
UGG:You Go Girl
YMMV:Your Mileage May Vary

داڑھی کے آداب

(1)آیئنہ دیکھ کرداڑھی درست کرنا.حضرت عائشہ فرماتی ہیں کہ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اپنی داڑھی درست کرتے وقت آیئنہ دیکھتے تھے.
(المعجم الأوسط للطبرانی)
(2)داڑھی بڑھانا اور مونچھیں تراشنا
(مسلم باب خصال الفطرۃ)
(3)آیئنہ دیکھتے وقت یہ دعا پڑھنا:الحمد للہ ,اللہم کما حسنت خلقی فحسن خلقی
(عمل الیوم واللیلۃ)
(4)داڑھی نہ چڑھانانہ اس میں گرہیں لگانا
(ابوداؤد,کتاب الطہارۃ)
(5)داڑھی جب ایک مشت  سے زیادہ ہوجایے تو زاید کو تراش دینا.
(6)ریش بچہ بھی داڑھی کے حکم  میں داخل ہے لہذااسے مکمل طور سے کاٹناجایز نہیں, البتہ اس کے ارد گرد کے بال کاٹنا درست ہے.
(داڑھی اور انبیاء کی سنتیں)

Saturday 14 December 2019

سراور داڑھی میں تیل لگانے کے آداب

(1)اتباع سنت کی نیت سے تیل لگانا
(2)تیل لگانے سے پہلے بسم اللہ پڑھنا
(3)بایئں ہاتھ میں تیل رکھ کرپہلے دونوں بھووں پر پھر پلکوں پر اور پھر سرپر لگانا.حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا فرماتی ہیں کہ آپ جب تیل لگاتے تو پہلے بایئں ہتھیلی میں لیتے,پھر بھووں سےابتدا فرماتے,پھر پلکوں,پھر سرپر لگاتے.
(کنزالعمال,کتاب الشمائل)

Friday 13 December 2019

آداب سلام

(1)اسلامی الفاظ سے سلام کرنا.
(بخاری )
(2) سلام کو عام کرنا.
(3)السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبر کاتہ کہنا
(ابوداؤد,باب کیف السلام)
(4)سلام میں پہل کرنا.
(5)مردوں(میت) کے سلام  یعنی علیک السلام سے سلام کی ابتداء نہ کرنا.
(6)سلام  کا جواب نہ ملےتو تین مرتبہ سلام کرنا
(بخاری,باب التسلیم)
(7)گفتگو شروع کرنے سے پہلے سلام کرنا
(8)چھوٹے کا بڑوں کو گذرنے والے کا بیٹھے ہویے کو اورچھوٹی جماعت کا بڑی جماعت کو سلام میں پہل کرنا افضل ہے
(بخاری ,باب یسلم الصغیر علی الکبیر)
(9)محرم عورتوں کو سلام کرنا
(10) بچوں کو بھی سلام کرنا
(11)مجلس سے جدایئگی کے وقت سلام کرنا
(12)جہاں لوگ سورہے ہوں وہاں بیدار لوگوں کو معتدل نرم آواز میں سلام کرنا
(مسلم,کتاب الاشربہ)
(13)گھر میں داخل ہوتے گھروالوں کو سلام کرنا
(ابوداؤد,کتاب الادب)
(14)سلام کرنے والے کو اس سے بہتر الفاظ میں یا انہیں  الفاظ میں سلام کا جواب دینا.
(15)اپنے عزیز اقارب اساتذہ وتلامذہ دوست احباب وغیرہ کو غایبانہ سلام بھجوانا
(بخاری,کتاب الاستئذان)
(16)غایبانہ سلام کا جواب علیک وعلیہ السلام سےدینا
(ابوداؤد,کتاب الادب)
(17)کچھ دیر جدایئ کے بعد اگرملاقات ہوتوسلام کرنا
(شعب الایمان)

Thursday 12 December 2019

میت کو غسل دینے کا طریقہ

میت کو غسل دیتے وقت کسی اونچی چیز جیسے نہلانے کے پٹرے پر لٹایاجایے.پھر تین پانچ یا سات  بار اسے لوبان کی  دھونی دیجا یے.پھر لباس ستر کے علاوہ اس کے سب کپڑے اتار دییے جائیں مقام ستر پر رنگین کپڑا ڈال دیا جایےاس طر ح کہ بے ستری نہ ہو.بہتر یہ ہے کہ اس وقت میت کے پاس غسل دینے والے یا اس کے معاون کے علاوی کویئ نہ ہو.پھر غسل دینے والے کو چاہیے کہ اپنے ہاتھ پردستانے یاکویئ دھجی لپیٹ لیں.اور اسے تر کر استنجاء کرایئں یعنی اگلی پچھلی شرمگاہ کو دھویئں.پھر وضو کرایئں.اور وضو میں ابتدا چہرہ دھونے سے ہونی چاہییے.کیونکہ ہاتھ دھونے سے ابتدا  زندوں کے  لیے ہے.چونکہ میت کو دوسرا انسان غسل کراتاہے اس لیے میت کے غسل میں ناک میں پانی ڈالنا یا کلی کرانا نہیں ہوتا.اس کے بجایے دانتوں اور نتھنوں کورویئ سے صاف کردیا جایے.اس کےبعدمیت کے سر اور داڑھی کے بال صابن وغیرہ سے دھودییے جایئں.بال نہ ہوں توصابن وغیرہ سے سر دھویانہ جایے. پھر میت کو بایئں کروٹ لٹادیاجایے.تاکی پہلے دایئں پہلو کو دھودیاجایے.لہذا دایئں پہلو پرسر سے پاؤں کی طرف تین بار پانی بہایا جایے.کمراور پیٹھ دھونے کے لیے  چہرے کے بل اوندھا نہ لٹایاجایے. بلکہ پہلو کی جانب سے اس طرح ہلایاجایے کہ پانی تمام جگہ پہنچ جایے. اس کے بعدمیت کو دایئں کروٹ لٹایاجایےپھر بایئں پہلو پر تین بار اسی طرح پانی ڈالاجایے. پھر میت کوبٹھایئں اورمیت کواپنے سہارے پر رکھ کرآہستہ آہستہ اس کے پیٹ پر ہاتھ  پھیریں اور پیٹ سے کچھ خارج ہوتو اسے دھوڈالیں.اس کے بعدمیت کوبایئں کروٹ پر لٹادیاجایے.اور پہلے کی طرح پانی بہایاجایے.اس کے بعد میت کے بدن کوصاف کپڑے سےپونچھ کر خشک کرلیا جایے. اور بدن پر خوشبو مل دی جایے.
(ردالمحتار:ج1ص803,بحرالرائق ج:1,ص185,بہشتی زیور ج:2ص 52فتاوی دارالعلوم ج5:ص

عطاء بن أبي رباح

 عطاء بن أبي رباح مولي آل مسيرة بن خثيم الفهري كان أفطس،أشل،أعور أعرج مفلفل الشعر، ماشاء الله،مع هذا كان فقيهاورعا تقياثقة عالماكثير الحديث،إمام أهل مكةوكان عبد الملك بن مروان يأمر المنادي أن ينادي في موسم الحج أن لا يفتي الناس إلا عطاء بن أبي رباح، وكان له الآلاف من التلاميذ البيض،يرجع إليه الناس في الفتوي و المسائل العلمية وكانت له مكانة رفيعة عند الناس في الحب والتقدير  وكان من سادات التابعين فقها وعلما وورعا وفضلا.لم يمنع  سواده أن يحكم علي الناس ويؤمهم.لأنه أخذ العلم عن عبادلة الأربعة(عبد الله بن عمر،وعبد الله بن زبير وعبدالله بن عمروبن العاص
(الحضارة الإسلامية)

أهرام مصر

 قال الفقيه عمارة اليمني الشاعر
خليلي ما تحت السماء بنية
تماثل في اتقانها هرمي مصر
تنزه طرفي في بديع بنا ئها
ولم يتنزه في المراد بها فكري